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Planning Commission
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Last modified
4/11/2016 11:12:14 AM
Creation date
4/11/2016 11:12:11 AM
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Planning Commission
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Planning Commission MeetingPage 11 of 12 <br />Mr. Haun advised they anticipated moving from 25 to 100 employees in Phase I. <br />If that was the case, Member Cunningham questioned the need for 120 parking stalls for Phase I. <br />Mr. Haun clarified that this was a preliminary drawing by the architect and was only an estimate. <br />Mr. Haun noted that, with the Citys recent zoning change and transportation study, this made the <br />? <br />architects renditions even more preliminary, and noted the need to bring any future plans into <br />? <br />compliance with city code and zoning regulations before developing a final plat. <br />As a bee keeper himself, Member Bull asked about specific pesticides proposed to be used by the <br />applicant. <br />Mr. Haun advised he was unfamiliar with the pesticide referenced by Member Bull, but advised <br />they would be consulting on any potential use of pesticides if and when an insect infestation was <br />found; and any regulated applications would be approved by certified chemists. Mr. Haun advised <br />that a member of their firm was certified for indoor application, and was seeking the next level of <br />annual certification for outdoor application, similar to that done by the U of MN for their staff. <br />Chair Boguszewski closed the public hearing at 8:17 p.m.; no one spoke for or against <br />MOTION <br />Member Bull moved, seconded by Member Murphy to recommend to the City Council <br />approval of the proposed outdoor agricultural research and development facilities as a <br />CONDITIONAL USE on <br /> parcels identified as Ramsey County PIN 042923320014 and 04 <br />????? <br />, based on the information and analysis in the project report, and conditions <br />2923320015 <br />??? <br />outlined in that report dated November 4, 2015. <br />Mr. Paschke advised that those property identification numbers may change with the process <br />being undertaken by the applicant, with an actual address or lot number and legal description <br />provided at the time of recording documents with Ramsey County. Mr. Paschke clarified that the <br />Conditional Use would be recorded to the legal description, which was as yet unavailable, since it <br />was now a Metes and Bounds description or subject to another lot configuration. Mr. Paschke <br />advised that this information would be addressed in the resolution before the City Council once it <br />was better defined. <br />At the request of Member Bull, Mr. Paschke advised that if the Conditional Use was not utilized <br />within a certain period of time, the City could revoke it through a formal process through the <br />Planning Commission and City Council. <br />Member Cunningham stated that she remained nervous specific to the potential use of chemicals, <br />an unknown at this time. However, Member Cunningham applauded the ingenuity of Calyxt; and <br />for the record, offered her support of request even though she had reservations about potential <br />chemical use. <br />Member Bull, noting the U of MNs research and management of bees, and his service on the <br />? <br />Board of Directors for the Minnesota Bee Society in cooperation with them, he offered his <br />assistance to Calyxt if they should have any desire to keep bees on their property and explore <br />toxicity issues. <br />Chair Boguszewski opined, that given the applicants willingness to assume the burden of <br />? <br />remediation and all potential soil contaminants on this property, the City was lucky to have their <br />interest. <br />Ayes: 5 <br />Nays: 0 <br />Abstentions: 1 (Stellmach) <br />Motion carried. <br />Commission Business <br />6. <br />Members briefly discussed the proposed 2016 meeting schedule, and by consensus agreed to revise the <br />July and September meetings one week later to facilitate holiday schedules. <br />Discussion and ratification of the Planning Commissions regular meeting dates for 2016; the following <br />? <br />dates represent the first Wednesdays of each month and do not conflict with recognized holidays: <br />January 6April 6July 13October 5 <br />? <br />February 3May 4August 3November 2 <br />file:///R:/CommDev/PLANNING_AND_ZONING/PLANNING_COMMISSION/Minutes/...4/11/2016 <br /> <br />
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