the institution, related facilities such as laboratories, outpatient facilities, or training facilities.
<br />HOTEL: See lodging.
<br />IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: A surface that has been compacted or covered with a layer of material so
<br />that it is highly resistant to infiltration by water. It includes surfaces such as coinpacted sand,
<br />limerock, or clay, as well as conventionally surfaced streets, roofs, sidewalks, parking lots, and other
<br />similar structures.
<br />INN: See lodging.
<br />JLTNKYARD: An open area where waste or scrap materials are bought, sold, exchanged, stored, baled,
<br />packed, disassembled or handled, including, but not limited to, scrap iron and other inetals, paper, rags,
<br />rubber tires, bottles and unlicensed or inoperable motor vehicles and parts thereof. A junkyard includes
<br />an automobile wrecking or dismantling yard.
<br />KENNEL: See animal boarding facility.
<br />KITCHEN FACILITY: A kitchen facility is one which includes kitchen fixtures such as cabinets,
<br />sinlcs, refrigerators and stoves, or articles used or intended to be used for cooking.
<br />conduct research, development, or controlled production of high-technology electronic, industrial, or
<br />scientific products or commodities for sale; or establishments conducting educational or medical
<br />research or testing. May include limited accommodations for researchers or research subjects.
<br />LATTICE TOWER: A self-supporting structure, erected on the ground, which consists of inetal
<br />crossed strips or bars to support antennas and related equipment.
<br />LANDSCAPE PLAN: An integrated set of documents that may consist of both drawn and written
<br />materials whose purpose is to identify, for a proposed development, the means of compliance with the
<br />landscaping, screening and site stabilization standards of the City Code.
<br />LIMITED PRODUCTION/PROCESSING-ACCESSORY USE: Light manufacturing, fabrication,
<br />assembly, processing, packaging, research, development, or similar uses which are conducted indoors
<br />and which would not be disruptive of, or incompatible with, other office, retail, or servi�e uses that
<br />may be in the same building or complex. Limited production/processing generally does not include
<br />industrial processing from raw materials.
<br />LIMITED PRODUCTION/PROCESSING-PRINCIPAL USE: Light manufacturing, fabrication,
<br />assembly, processing, packaging, research, development, or similar principal or primary uses which
<br />are predominantly conducted indoors and which would not be disruptive of, or incompatible with,
<br />other office, retail, or service uses that may be in the same building or complex. Limited
<br />production/processing as a principal/primary use generally does not include industrial processing from
<br />raw materials.
<br />LIMITED WAREHOUSING AND DISTRIBUTION: An establishment providing storage and
<br />distribution of inerchandise and bullc goods, including those associated with a limited production and
<br />processing use, and which use shall involve pick-up, cargo, and/or cube variety trucks to distribute
<br />goods.
<br />LIVE-WORK LTNIT: A dwelling unit in combination with a shop, office, studio, or other work space
<br />within the same unit, where the resident occupant both lives and works.
<br />LOADING AREA: A space accessible from a street, alley or way in a building or on a lot for the use
<br />of trucks while loading and unloading merchandise or materials.
<br />LODGE, PRIVATE: An association of persons who are bona fide members paying annual dues, which
<br />owns, hires or leases a building, or space within a building, which is restricted to inembers and their
<br />guests. The affairs and management of such private club or lodge are conducted by a board of
<br />directors, executive committee or similar body chosen by the members at their annual meeting.
<br />LODGING: A building containing rooming units providing temporary sleeping accommodations (less
<br />than 30 days duration) to the general public, which may include additional facilities for food service,
<br />meeting space, and/or recreation.
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