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CiTY fJF �ic3S�VILL� d�nsity housing xoning reguiations, S�CTIfJN 3: �ffective E7at� �arrd <br />�R�INAN�E Ni�.1�94 and cceatiotti'at a Plar�ned Unit ' Duratlon <br />AN ihJTER�M f3R[91N.QMCE Develci}7ment and/sar, site plan This arcfinance sha(i faks effeet <br />ESTABLI rHING A MC3t�A1Y)RIUM apprnvai process, and be in fuBi fiorca fram sntl after'' <br />,'T�MPQl�ARILYI�R(]HIf3ITf1U�a7'HE There is .a need ior an int�rim ' ifs passage anc! pubiicatian. lt sh�i! <br />REZt?MIiVC Ct� RI�AP'£"RiY �C1R ord�r�ance tv be ado�ted i�rr the r�mairi in effect' fvr 90 ct�ys; after ',' <br />NDR-i AND MDR-2 iiViHE CtTY Purpase af�cting the �lanning which �ccurr�nc:e khis.'.ordinance <br />O�' �tQ aEYlL.�.�_ proaess and the heaith, saiaty, and. st3a!! lapse, uniess praperly exkended <br />TH� CITY QF I3(?SEVIL;LE weifare af the cit€xens o€ fih� City until pursuanY#o sfate faw. <br />(�RDAINS: au�h a st�idy has been complated, ; Passed by the City Cz�unail af the � <br />SEGTION t: P��rpase and l��tent S�CTIdIV ?: F'rohibitiUn City of F%as�viftc this i3th day of <br />T"he Gity nf #�asevilie ("Gity,�) �'ursuant to State Statufes 462.355; Fehsru�ry ub16. <br />r�cc�gniies'signific�r�t pubiic interest th� City hariaby adopts and appraves CI7Y pF Rp x�Vf�.LE � <br />�nc1 conCern vver ens�aring 4he xhis interim prdinance kempararily BY: iianiel J. Rete, �lay€xr <br />City ha� the appro�riate amoiant af p���ibiting the rezaniny, af properFy ATTEST: <br />available tand :zr,neci and guidsd far tn zaning clasuifica#ian NDR- �: High Pa4rick Trudgecin, Gity Manac�er <br />higN density hiousing tp satisfy t(�e �artsity R�siciential-i and HI�R-?: (R�ssuille R�vi�w: Feb. �9, ?016}: <br />needs af the epmmunity. High C?�n�iky Residentaal-2 across � <br />T'tie �ity desires io regulate tt�€� tha entire Ci#y: Duriilg the effective . -- -- <br />' use vf prt�p�rky in a manner titat is P�riorl of fii�is interim ordinance, the `, <br />consistPnt with the purpose and` Gity Wiii nat aecept any application i <br />intent of the .Gampreh�nsive F�lan tor rezpniny n#, prUperty to H�F�-1 , <br />and Zoninc� qrdinanae. The City or HpR-2 nor any appiiaakinns fr�r : <br />r�cUgriizes it m�ay not currently, h�y� Gampratier�sive pian amenc3ments <br />th�'approprfate rer�ulatary tanfs such �o the Hfgh DensiYy Rasiclential , <br />as' PEanned Unit qevalopments ta c(assificatia��. <br />eifiectivefy regulate hic�l� density �I� ���p�1F�9 ��d cvmprohen5iu� <br />haG3sing, plan am�ndment appiications ! <br />Minnesota Statutps Section �6z.365 re�eiv�d "�rior to the eifec#ive dat� ,', <br />aflows the Ciiy to. adopt a t�mpor�ry a� this ordinance wilt rerrsa€n valid <br />interim arciinanae for a paritid of u�s and cantinue forward in the revie�v' ,, <br />ta tv�relve (12) months the date ��� �RPrc�Yaf proeess narm�fly. This i <br />it is effectiva, ta aliaw fo�.such study [r�terfm ardfrrance does noC irrip�at <br />� and adaption afi eamprshensive pfan, ��iiding : pc�rmits car �ther fand .use �, <br />xoning andlor othc:r pffiaiai I�nd use apPliaations besicies rezaning and <br />contrals in arder to �ratect tM� �rubfic �acnprehensive pian �mendments, i <br />health, saf�ty and genera€ weifare. I� any patentfaf �ppfic�nt has already <br />The' Saine : statute atfows for the �c����l�d or hetd a'deveia�er opQr� <br />firrrifed esctensinn af the periad under hou:,e rrreeting in aaeard�ne�; with <br />p�rtieular circumst�nces. Seefi�n 10CiB.Q7 ot tE�� City Coc3e k�ut <br />The C(ty has canciuded tP7at has nat yet applied Par a r��aning ar <br />additiaeaal skudy is required related °pmprehensive pian amendrnent, <br />to anafyziny the supply snd cha timirtg requirement in this seGtion <br />cfein�nct for high density housinc� €s susp�nd�ci during the p�riqtl th3� <br />in fhe opmmunity, revi�w of high ��terlm ordinaE�ae is in effect; <br />