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City of Roseville <br />ORDINANCE SUMMARY NO. 1497 <br />AN ORDINANCE ADDING TEXT TO TITLE 10 ZONING ORDINANCE <br />OF THE ROSEVILLE CITY CODE RELATINGTO <br />PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS <br />The following is the official sumtnary of Ordinance No. 1497 approved by the City Council of <br />Roseville on April 11, 2016: <br />The ordinance establishes new regulations governing Planned Unit Developments <br />(or PUDs) within the City of Roseville. A PUD would require multiple public <br />meetings and substantial documentation to support findings that a final development <br />is a proper fit for the subject property and surrounding lands. In exchange for <br />flexibility on things such as building placement, landscaping requirements, parking <br />standards, exterior materials or density; the development would need to incorporate <br />measures of sustainability, improved stormwater management, enhanced buffering <br />and/or structured parking amongst other improvements to be approved. <br />A printed copy of the ordinance is available for inspection by any person during regular office <br />hours in the office of the City Manager at the Roseville City Hall, 2660 Civic Center Drive, <br />Roseville, Minnesota 55113. A copy of the ordinance and summary shall also be posted at the <br />Reference Desk of the Roseville Branch of the Ramsey County Library, 2180 Hamline Avenue <br />North, and on the internet web page of the City of Roseville ( <br />Attest: <br />Patrick Trudgeon, City anager <br />