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City of Roseville <br />ORDINANCE SUMMARY NO. 1490 <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTERS 1001 AND 1011 OF THE ROSEVILLE <br />CITY CODE RELATED TO TREE PRESERVATION <br />The following is the official summary of Ordinance No. 1490 approved by the City Council of <br />Roseville on December 7, 2015: <br />The Roseville City Code, Title 10, Zoning Code, Chapter 1001 Introduction, Section 1001.10 <br />De�nitions, has been amended to modify and include new de�nitions regarding tree <br />preservation and Chapter 1011 Property Performance Standards, Section 1011.04 Tree <br />Preservation and Restoration in All Districts, has been replaced with new, updated <br />regulations. <br />A printed copy of the ordinance is available for inspection by any person during regular office <br />hours in the office of the City Manager at the Roseville City Hall, 2660 Civic Center Drive, <br />Roseville, Minnesota 55113. A copy of the ordinance and summary shall also be posted at the <br />Reference Desk of the Roseville Br•anch of the Ramsey County Library, 2180 Hamline Avenue <br />North, and on the Internet web page of the City of Roseville ( <br />Attest: -�-�,� <br />Patrick Trudgeon, CYty Manager <br />