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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
4/29/2016 3:50:46 PM
Creation date
4/26/2016 9:47:49 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, April ll, 2016 <br />Page 15 <br />Ms. Vogel referenced a land title document dated April 8, 2016 from Jeff Chris- <br />tianson of that firm, but noted that while the document relates to a 10' utility <br />easement on the most northerly 10' of their property. However, Ms. Vogel noted <br />that the City Attorney was not in agreement with this interpretation. <br />Councilinember Willmus asked for a copy of the title binder itself, with Ms. Vo- <br />gel advising a copy had been provided to staff and the City Attorney for dissemi- <br />nation. <br />Public Comment <br />Mayor Roe noted that a public hearing had already been held at the Planning <br />Cominission, but opened the ineeting for public comment at this time. <br />Duane Metz, 2926 Mildred Drive <br />While not a direct neighbor to this property, Mr. Metz stated his observation of <br />this two-year fence issue as part of the IU application. Mr. Metz opined that this <br />fence issue had been tap danced around for that two years, but opined the biggest <br />issue was when the Vogels decided to tear out the existing fence and so cut up ex- <br />isting trees some had to be removed. Mr. Metz noted there was now no privacy <br />for adjacent residential backyards, and questioned what recourse those residents <br />had if CU conditions were not met, opining some way was needed to enforce <br />those conditions. <br />Lisa McCormick, Wheeler Street <br />Ms. McCormicic asked that the City Council take into consideration its own com- <br />prehensive plan guidance for this area and other information already available in <br />malcing the best decision possible as it relates to this parcel. Ms. McCormick re- <br />viewed past planning processes, rezoning form HDR to CMU north of Terrace <br />Drive to protect residents adjacent to commercial parcels; original neighborhood <br />concerns beginning in 2014; and original requests of the residential neighbors for <br />separating those uses by extending the existing 8' privacy fence east of the Vogel <br />property line parallel to their line and west to Fairview Avenue. With additional <br />neighborhood concerns in the extension of Twin Lakes Parlcway and potential re- <br />development in the area, Ms. McCormick opined that their requests were more <br />than justified, and were intended to not only separate uses but enhance visual pro- <br />tection with landscaping intended to complement that visual barrier. <br />Ms. McCormick continued with her perspective on the history of this IU approv- <br />ing limited production and processing at 2830 Fairview Avenue (PF14-012) dis- <br />playing a resolution signed by Ms. Vogel. Ms. McCormick noted that the Vogels <br />purchased the property in 2014 when the parcel was still zoned HDR for residen- <br />tial use and any other use was illegal at that time; with rezoning not occurring un- <br />til January of 2016, but until then they had still been allowed to occupy the space, <br />having done remodeling and a determination made on SAC charges reviewed by <br />the Metropolitan Council. Since the Vogels chose to use this space as office, <br />
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