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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
4/29/2016 3:50:46 PM
Creation date
4/26/2016 9:47:49 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, Apri111, 2016 <br />Page 2 <br />6. Council & City Manager Communications, Reports, and Announcements <br />Mayor Roe made several announcements about upcoming events and opportunities: <br />• House painting assistance through the Greater Minnesota Council of Churches <br />(GMCC) and their Paint-A-Thon program for those qualifying under age and income <br />guidelines with additional information available by phone or on-line at <br />•"Ask the Experts" a partnership of the City of Roseville and Rainsey County Library- <br />Roseville Branch and upcoming seminars scheduled during April, with additional in- <br />formation available through the City of Roseville or Library websites <br />• An upcoming Advanced Care Planning seminar offered through the Roseville's <br />CHAT organization (additional information available at <br />• Annual Roseville Clean-Up Day coming up on Apri123 <br />•"April Shower" for babies in need, sponsored by the Roseville Police Department <br />through the month of April to benefit the Tubinan Center (drop bins available during <br />nonnal hours at City Hall) <br />Councilmember Etten thanked everyone who helpecl with the recent SE Roseville parlc <br />clean-up, including members of the Karen Organization of Minnesota (KOM). Coun- <br />cilmember Etten further highlighted and expressed appreciation for the efforts with the <br />Rice Street Gardens to provide an opportunity for fresh produce for community members <br />in rental housing or without private space. Councilmember Etten noted the location, east <br />of Rice Street and north of Roselawn Avenue on the Maplewood side of that intersection. <br />Councilinember Etten noted several additional dates in April to finish preparing and <br />marking out the plots and assist those individuals taking on leadership for this great asset. <br />As a communication request for staff, Councilmember Willmus reported that he had been <br />receiving inquiries about a fair ainount of discussion regarding legislative activities, par- <br />ticularly about Ramsey County's interest in pursuing economic development activities. <br />Councilmember Willmus advised that the calls were seeking the position of the Roseville <br />City Council as a whole and that of individual Councihnembers. Before being able to re- <br />spond completely, Councilmember Willinus noted his need for more official information, <br />particularly regarding how those efforts may be funded and how that funding might be <br />used, specifically if Economic Development Authority funding from Roseville could or <br />would be applied elsewhere (e.g. soccer stadium or TCAAP). <br />City Manager Trudgeon responded that staff had researched that legislation today, and <br />had received basic information. However, Mr. Trudgeon advised that he intended to <br />meet with Ramsey County representatives to better understand what was being proposed <br />and a clear understanding of what the potential legislation meant as for its status and what <br />it meant in turn for Roseville. Mr. Trudgeon advised that he would being that more de- <br />tailed information forward at the City Council's April 18, 2016 Worksession. <br />Mayor Roe noted this year's Rosefest buttons stating "I am Roseville," noting that they <br />were free this year at various sources, and offered a great way to start thinking about this <br />year's community celebration. <br />
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