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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, April ll, 2016 <br />Page 23 <br />For those exact same reasons mentioned by Councilmember McGehee, Mayor <br />Roe opined that the city had the ability to apply additional conditions to address <br />impacts, impacts created inore as a result of city action rather than the use pro- <br />posed. If the city was clear in stating its rationale for doing something outside of <br />city code and not following it strictly, Mayor Roe opined that he could be sup- <br />portive of not following code to the letter. While understanding the malcers of the <br />motion intended additional conditions served to address residential concerns, es- <br />pecially 5' south and not create a"no man's land," Mayor Roe stated he still <br />could not support the motion. <br />Mayor Roe stated that he was largely supportive of the Planning Cominission's <br />recommended language with the exception of the Cedar fence and inchiding <br />staffls suggestion for the indoor containment of limited production and processing <br />work. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Etten and Willmus. <br />Nays: McGehee, Laliberte and Roe. <br />Motion failed. <br />Roe moved, McGehee seconded, adoption of Resolution No. 11312 (Attach- <br />ment G) entitled, "A Resolution Approving Limited Production and Pro- <br />cessing as a Conditional Use at 2830 Fairview Avenue;" subject to the follow- <br />ing conditions: <br />a. A solid opaque fence approxi�nately 6.5' in height shall be installed on the <br />nowthern edge of the property as clarified by the Board of Acljustmenis and <br />Appeal on January 25, 2016. <br />b. All �equire�'sc�eening shall be installed no late� than July 29, 2016. <br />c. All work associatecl with lirrcited pNoduction and processing be contained in- <br />doors. <br />Councilmember Etten noted past language about the fence meandering. <br />Mayor Roe noted that the key word was "can" and was something he'd approved <br />at the time and still supported that language. <br />Councilmember Willmus suggested an amendment to the specific installation lo- <br />cation to accommodate interference with the underground cable. <br />Mayor Roe noted that this clarification had been addressed by the Board of Ad- <br />justments and Appeals in allowing that the fence could "meander; ' while still be- <br />ing built as far north as possible. � <br />Discussion ensued on actual language of the motion and intent; with City Attor- <br />ney Gaughan suggesting language directly from the Board of Adjustments be in- <br />