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-'itt;�chme�at C <br />2. Specific P[JD Sketch Plan Submittal Requiremenis <br />Except as may be waived by the Community Development Department, the folfowing <br />information shall constitute a complztz application for _ PUD Sketch Plan _ <br />� a. A listin� of contact information incfudin� name(s), address(es) and phone number(s) <br />Iof the owner of record, authorized agents or representatives, __engineer, __ <br />surveyor, and any other relevant associatzs; <br />b. A listing of the foflowin� site data: —. _- _, , current zoning, parcel size in <br />acres and square feet and___ current Izgal description(s); <br />�- c. .a narrative explainin� the applicant's proposed objectives for the PUD, a fisting of <br />° the areas of flexibility from standard zoning sou�ht throu�h the use of PUD design, <br />, and an esplanation of how the proposal addresses the PliD review criteria in Section <br />- � 1023.03; <br />. d. .a listing of gzneral information including the number of proposzd residential units, <br />: commercial and, or industrial land uszs and square foota�es by category of usz, public <br />use areas includin� a descnption of proposzd usz, and any othzr land use proposed as <br />part ofthe P[:D; <br />e. Calculation of the proposed density of the project and the potential density under <br />standard zonin� re�ulations, including both gross density and net density accountin� <br />for devzlopablz and undevelopable land. Undecelopable land for the purposes of this <br />calculation shall includz all wedands, floodplain, slopes greater than 184�0, poor �oils <br />and areas of concentrared �voodlands <br />- f. The outline of a conceprual development schedule indicating the approximate date <br />_ whzn construction of the project, or stages of the same, can be expected to begin and <br />be completed (includin� the proposed phasin� of construction of public <br />_ I improvements and recreational and common spacz areas—_ <br />_ g. .-� PUD Sketch Plan illustrating the nature and type of proposed development. At a <br />_._ minimum, the plan should show: <br />i. Area calculations for gross land area; <br />_- ii. Existing zoning district(s) on the subject land and all adjacent parcels; <br />_- iii. Layout of proposed lots and proposed uses. Denote outlots planned for public <br />_. I dedication ancllor open space; <br />iv. Area calculations for each parcel; <br />v. General location of wetlands and�or watercourses over the property and within <br />200 feet � of the perimzter of the subdivision parcel; <br />Pa���• 7 ��i 16 <br />