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�35 <br />>6 <br />._,37 <br />338 <br />339 <br />340 <br />341 <br />342 <br />343 <br />344 <br />345 <br />346 <br />347 <br />348 <br />349 <br />350 <br />351 <br />352 <br />353 <br />354 <br />355 <br />356 <br />357 <br />358 <br />359 <br />360 <br />361 <br />- �2 <br />',3 <br />.s64 <br />365 <br />366 <br />367 <br />368 <br />369 <br />370 <br />371 <br />372 <br />373 <br />374 <br />375 <br />376 <br />377 <br />378 <br />379 <br />380 <br />381 <br />382 <br />383 <br />384 <br />385 <br />386 <br />387 <br />'� �8 <br />� <br />..�0 <br />Ms. Collins reiterated that, with the mature landscaping already in place between the <br />driveway and blue line shown on the map, the fence installation would need to take that <br />into consideration even though more extensive landscaping would still be required. <br />For the benefit of Member Cunningham, Member Murphy noted that it was obvious in <br />viewing the area that a fence had previously been in place and was now clearly missing. <br />However, as a matter of principle, Member Murphy asked Member Cunningham if the <br />city should adhere to a consistent set of standards unless there was an overriding <br />concern. Member Murphy opined that, in this case and with this particular property he <br />was unable to see that concern. Based on his calculations, Member Murphy noted there <br />was approximately 30' between the blue line on the map and northern property line, <br />causing him to question any safety concerns for children accessing that area, especially <br />with the essentially flat terrain of the property. Member Murphy spoke of a"one-size-fits- <br />all" requirement in city code for property owners and ,fence instal�ations, including the <br />Vogels; opining that staff's recommendation serves that consistency and was <br />appropriate for the intent of the fence to cover' the parking Iot and dock areas, and <br />allowing for some flexibility north of the existing parking lot and serves the neighborhood <br />and business well. Member Murphy noted the existence of some immature landscaping <br />to the west that could be strengthened that could be covered by motion. <br />Specific to the condition that all required screening be installed no later than June 30, <br />2016, Member Murphy questioned if thaf date sti3i allowed realistic compliance for the <br />applicant, given that another month had ensu�d awaiting resolution of this issue. <br />Member Murphy suggested extending that date to July 29, 2016 to allow additional <br />working days for the Vogels and their contractors #o accomplish the task. <br />Chair Boguszewski recognized:�he applicant representative(s) in the audience regarding <br />whether they could accomplish th� work byJune 30, 2016, with the applicant expressing <br />no preference for a June or Ju�y c�mpletion date, leaving it at the discretion of the <br />commission. <br />Members Daire and Murphy withdrew their motion from the March 2, 2016 meeting, <br />leaving no motion curre�tly on the tabie. <br />MaTI�V (lin�s 96 —101. of staff report dated April 6, 20�l6) <br />iVl�r�ber Murphy m�ved, second�ed by Member Gitzen to recommer�d i� the Ciiy <br />Counci9 approval of a CON�9TIONAL USE allowing limited production a�d <br />processing as an a�ce5sory use at 2830 Fairview Avenue, based on the comm�rots <br />and findings contaan�d, and su�ject t� stated conditions for approval as d�etail�d in <br />the staff reports dated March 2 ansl Aprii 6, 2016; amended as followrs (lines 72 — 77 <br />of sfaff report.dated Apri16, 2016): <br />• A solid opac�ue cedar fence approximately 6.5' in height shall be insfa/led norfh <br />of the existing eastern parking lot to screen the lof, including de/ivery and ��o�ck <br />doors and the refuse/recycling areas. <br />• Additional:landscaping shall be insfalled in and arou►�d fhe berm adjacent to <br />the, front employee and cusfomer parking lof to more fully screen laeadlights <br />from yiew of the adjacent residentlally zonecA properties. <br />• All requir�ed screening si�aU be installed no later than July 29, 20�6. <br />At the request of his colleagues, Member Murphy ciarified that it was his intent to exclude <br />Condition C(lines 108-109) from his motion, noting this would be addressed by existing <br />city code in verifying any excessive noises based on complaints through the city's noise <br />ordinance or other requirements. <br />AMEIVDM�NT TO �'HE MOTION (lines 1�D8-109 of staff report dated April 6, 2016) <br />iVlember Bull moved, seconded by IlAernber Cunningham an additional coradition as <br />foilows: <br />