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�47 <br />E8 <br />+49 <br />450 <br />451 <br />452 <br />453 <br />454 <br />455 <br />456 <br />457 <br />458 <br />459 <br />460 <br />461 <br />462 <br />463 <br />464 <br />465 <br />466 <br />467 <br />468 <br />469 <br />470 <br />471 <br />472 <br />473 <br />�4 <br />,'S <br />476 <br />477 <br />478 <br />479 <br />480 <br />481 <br />482 <br />483 <br />484 <br />485 <br />486 <br />487 <br />488 <br />489 <br />490 <br />491 <br />492 <br />493 <br />494 <br />495 <br />496 <br />497 <br />498 <br />49n9 <br />r /O <br />�l <br />Ms. Collins advised that the applicant (Vogel Mechanical) would need to apply for a <br />screening fence permit, triggering initial staff review prior to issuing the permit, based on <br />approved CU conditions and in accordance with current city code provisions. In this <br />specific case, Ms. Collins confirmed that the fence would be located sornewhere north of <br />the blue line indicated on the displayed map. <br />Member Gitzen reiterated that the City Council had final approval rights after receiving <br />this body's recommendation. <br />ORIGIIVAL MOTION AS AMENDED <br />Ayes: 3 (Gitzen, Murph�, Daire) <br />Nays: 3 (Cunningham, Boguszewski, Bull) <br />Abstentions: 1 (&(imble) <br />Motion failed. � <br />Chair Boguszewski addressed his interpretakion of this vote, opin�ng that latitude seems <br />to arise related to the narrow "no man's land" as the area between potential fences was <br />described. Chair Boguszewski stated that his main reasoning for no# wanting the fence <br />further north than the blue line was based on his original support for fence installation <br />within 10' of the northern lot line, or further south all the way to the edge of the parking <br />lot, as supported by Member Bull. In addressing the concerns of Member Cunningham <br />supporting the original IU condition for .location of the fence (Option B), Chair <br />Boguszewski noted that concerns were valid in transitioning between this property and <br />that ofi the adjacent residential neighborhood, especially with the CU staying with the <br />property. Therefore, Chair Boguszewski opined tFiat fence installation along the north <br />property boundary (yellow line on map) was more conservative than Option C(blue line) <br />or a variant 10' from the parking lot. <br />iVEW iNO�'I.O�1 <br />Nlembe� Cunningham rn�ved, seconded by M�mber Bull to recommend t� th� City <br />Courtcil approva6 of a CONDITIONAL USE allowing limited product�on and <br />pro�ces�dn� as an accessory use at 2830 �'airvi�w Avenue, based on the cou�rr��n�s <br />and findir��s containes�,'�nd su�ject to; stated conditions for approval a� d�i�ailed in <br />th� staff reports dated March 2 and April 6, 201 S; amended as fol/ows: <br />•` A solid opaque cedar fence approximately 6.5' ira heighf shall be insialled <br />n�rthern ed�e pf the property and as clarified by the Board of Adjustments and <br />Appea/s on January 25, 20i6; <br />• Adl required screening shal/ be install�d no Iater than July 29, 2096. <br />• Producfion areas doors shall b�e closed during limited production and <br />processing operations. <br />The makers of fhe motion confirmed their intent to exclude the former condition (lines 75- <br />77 of staff repo�t dated April 6, 2016) as follows: <br />• Additiona! landscaping shal/ be installed rn and around the berm adjacent to the front <br />employee and customer parking lot to more fuUy screen headlights from view of the <br />adjacent residentially zoned properfies. <br />INember Cunningham stated that, until someone proved there was an easement in place, <br />she could not justify changing her decision. Member Cunningham noted that, locating <br />the fence on the property line served to preserve the integrity of the neighborhood and <br />would be similar to the former chain link fence, but provide a higher cedar fence at a <br />height of 6.5'. Member Cunningham opined that this would benefit both the Vogels and <br />residential neighbors and their perspectives. <br />