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ae��� KGn��U� <br />�s . � <br />�l �� ��rb <br />�atisEactorily� completed and the Cirv has <br />certihed [hat those replaceinent trees �ue <br />ali��e and healthv. To be certified as alive and <br />heaith��, alI of thz foilo�cin� condition; must <br />z�:�t: <br />- No tree sh��li ha�•e sustained mech�tnical <br />injur�- ro the trunk ot a tree cau;in� <br />1o5s of more than 30°�i� of the bark <br />circumference of the tree at am,-location <br />alon� the tree's trunk. � <br />- �o tree shall hat�e had soil compacted to <br />6 inches deep o�-er mor� than 30'?0 ot its <br />root zone. <br />- �o tree shall ha�-e had more than 304'0 <br />o`its roots cut for the inst:�llation oEanc <br />uti!in- or for an�- other p�trposz. � <br />- �o more tlzan 2�°�0 of the cro�vn oE a <br />tree shall consi�t ot dead branches. <br />d. �one of a szcuritc- shall be rele�ued until the <br />dz�-eloper's, contractor's, properta- o�vner's ooii�ations <br />to indzmni�,� the Cin- for an�- expenses incurred <br />in er.ti�rcir� the req�_iirements o; this Section are <br />sati�fied. <br />10. Per.a!ries for �rio!.ttion: _-�n.� tree that is �-isibit� d�imag��i, <br />h;u a root sti;rem that h�u been dri�-er_ on, or has a root <br />zor:e in is-hich the soi! h�u been compa�ced in an� �,�-as, <br />sn.i!i be replaced in a�cordance to the tr�e r�pl.ic�menr <br />tormu'a tourd ir. Section 1011.0-�G. _�:so, arc person <br />��ho is r,ot authorized bti the Cir�. �,vho remo�-zs ar� <br />tre� from any public property �vithout first ootainin� a <br />perrnit and arr- person «�ho Eails to replace trees in the <br />manrer proc•ided in thi� ;ub,ection sh:iL, in addition to <br />the crimina: pznalties prescribed bv la�v, be requir�d to <br />ps,; to the Cit�,- the estim�lted cost of tree r�ptacement in <br />the amount det�rmined b�� the Cir,: Upon deterininatior. <br />that tni� has occurred, the Cit�,� shall submit a bill ior <br />the ;unount o� rree replacement. If tnat amotint is not <br />reczi�-ed b�- the Cirv �vithin 90 da�-s, such amount shall <br />be as;es;ed a; a;pecial a;;e;sment on ar.�,� Iand located in <br />the Cir� o�.r-ned b�- the peron ��iolltin� this Section. <br />B. Buffer �rea Screenina:l�-�e ,�tba�l: r�qt.iremenrs establi�hed <br />for wes in each district are intended to act as buf� rs <br />bet�veen thc;e di�tricts and we;, but hei�htened scr.enir�`� <br />i; �lpProFriate bet���een Io�a�-densin� re� d�vellin�s �tr,d <br />mc�re inten;i�-e u;�;. ror a11 ne��- con�tr�iction in ,lll district� <br />�h:it lie adi��cert tu or a�ross th� street from LDR Distri�t�, <br />there:ore, ad�ii;i��n �! ��reenin� shal: be implemented a� <br />requircd herein. <br />, . ,..:;,•.: . <br />