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1. E:cception: The requiremznts in this sttbsectian shall be <br />applied in addition to the precedin� aeneral landscaping <br />rec�uirements, except th<tt rhey- shall not apply to Lotiv <br />Density Residential or Park and Recreation Districts. <br />Z, :acceptab�e Screening: Screening requirements of <br />Title shall be satisfied thro��gh the use of buildin�s, <br />bec•ms, solid board-on-board fences, �valls, plantin� <br />s�reens, ecergreen trees, hed�es, or some combination <br />thereo£ If the topc��raphy; e�isting vegetation, permanent <br />structure, or other feanire creates a b�trrier �vhich <br />achie�-es the st�tndards ot this section, thec mav be <br />stibstituted. ' ' <br />a. Screen Fences and ��alls: Any screen Eence or <br />�4-all shall be constructed of attracti�-e, permanent <br />finished materials, compatibie �vith those use� in the <br />ronstruction ot thz pr.incipal stnicttire. 5uch screens <br />shall be at Ieast 6 feet in heijht and sha11 be 100°/u <br />opaque. <br />6. PI�1nCe� Screenin�: An,y- planting scrzens sh•.il1 consist <br />of healthy plants, shall be at least 6 feet in height, <br />and sh��ll be designed to provide a minimum vear <br />round opacitc- of SO°o at the time of installation, <br />c. �onvithstanciin� these requirernents, scr�ening <br />ailon� street ri�hts-ot-wav sh�ill be maintained at a <br />height nor less than 3 teet nor morz than -4 teet. <br />�. �; Screen fences and ��-a.11s ��hich are in <br />disrepair shall be promptly rep�lired. Plunted screens <br />shali be m:lintained aecording to the normal landscape <br />maintenance recl�urzment of Section 101L03A�a <br />C. �'aricin; Lot L,andsc:ap�: Off street parking lots tivith more <br />than �� p�u�hing stalls shall contain interior landscaped <br />i�land�. 5u�h islands sha11 be bounded by a raised concrete <br />�urb or approved equivalent and shall contain mulch to retain <br />soi.l moisture. Turf ;ra�s is permitted �vithin Iandscaped areas <br />located around the peri�hery of a parkin; lot. <br />1. Islan�l� are recluired at the end of each ro�v of a�rs, <br />echer� it abuts czhi�le cir�ulation aisles or dri��e�v.iti•s, or <br />eti-er�;- 1� st��lls, �vhichever is less. <br />2, Islands sh��ll be pro�-ided to sepa.rate pedestrian and <br />vehicular trat�i�. <br />�. :i(1 islancts sh.�11 contun a minimum of 160 square teet <br />anc� a minimum dimen;ion shnll be � Eeet. <br />-�. �t l,:atsr 1 c:lRi)�V tCf'C 5}1a11 be prot�ided in e�tch island, <br />in ad�iitic�n to �i�,orted shr«Ls, perennial,, to assorted <br />or�<arnental �r�2;;. <br />�. 1;iand� ;h:tfl 1�e prepared ��-ith c(ean soil to a de�th <br />of � teet and ',itllzR��Iect to ensure adec�uate drainage <br />