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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
5/19/2016 4:24:58 PM
Creation date
5/19/2016 4:24:11 PM
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Public Works Commission
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309 relying on private partners such as Member Seigler with a bus stop in his front <br /> 310 yard. <br /> 311 <br /> 312 Mr. Lamb noted that bus operations try to do so if within a certain area to take <br /> 313 advantage of existing sidewalks when only a short distance. However, in those <br /> 314 cases with longer distances, such as a matter of blocks, Mr. Lamb noted that then <br /> 315 Metro Transit had to make a decision if there was no responsible party or if it <br /> 316 would require a longer distance for boarders to walk to access the bus. <br /> 317 <br /> 318 Chair Cihacek asked Member Lenz, with the volunteer assistance offered by <br /> 319 Member Wozniak, to prepare a list for the PWETC and Metro Transit staffs <br /> 320 information. <br /> 321 <br /> 322 Mr. Lamb agreed with that effort, noting the number of stops dealt with by Metro <br /> 323 Transit, and their reliance on the public and municipalities for comments and <br /> 324 areas with the worst sites, or ideas for improvement and/or prioritization. <br /> 325 <br /> 326 Mr. Williams agreed with his support of that list, noting it was feasible that some <br /> 327 areas had been overlooked in the past. <br /> 328 <br /> 329 Member Thurnau asked how involved Metro Transit was in the municipal <br /> 330 comprehensive plan process as part of infrastructure improvements. Member <br /> 331 Thurnau opined that would be valuable input to have during the process in <br /> 332 considering pedestrian improvements as well as potential increased capacity for <br /> 333 Metro Transit. <br /> 334 <br /> 335 Mr. Williams noted that Metro Transit's transit-oriented development department <br /> 336 works directly with counties and cities to look for development opportunities. For <br /> 337 example, Mr. Williams noted his involvement at this time with the SE Light Rail <br /> 338 Transit work with applicable counties and municipalities in related development <br /> 339 opportunities. Mr. Williams agreed that the comprehensive plan process would <br /> 340 provide a great opportunity to make that additional connection. <br /> 341 <br /> 342 Chair Cihacek noted that since the city's comprehensive plan goes through the <br /> 343 Metropolitan Council, while unsure who did the actual review, asked who it <br /> 344 would be most beneficial for the city to contact on their staff and/or which <br /> 345 department. <br /> 346 <br /> 347 Mr. Lamb advised that he would provide that information to Roseville staff for <br /> 348 their planning group to review those aspects of the comprehensive plan before it <br /> 349 even gets to the Metropolitan Council. <br /> 350 <br /> 351 At the request of Chair Cihacek, Mr. Freihammer reviewed the city's <br /> 352 comprehensive plan process and intent for all transportation aspects to be <br /> 353 integrated with that update (e.g. pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular), anticipated to <br /> 354 be initiated within the next six months as directed by the City Council. <br /> Page 8 of 17 <br />
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