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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, May 16, 2016 <br />Page 2 <br />Councilmember Laliberte provided an update from the Cedarholm Golf Course Club- <br />house Task Force and its most recent meeting with partners and users of the facility, and <br />upcoming discussions on uses. Councilmember Laliberte invited public comment, in- <br />cluding a discussion opportunity on Speak Up! Roseville regarding the clubhouse, as well <br />as links on the City's website for resident questions and comments, all of which will be <br />shared with the Task Force. <br />Councilmember Laliberte also reported on the Roseville Community Health Awareness <br />Team (CHAT) and their recent meeting to review the upcoming seminar, with several <br />representatives attending from the City of Roseville, Ramsey County, and State Depart- <br />ment of Health to discuss additional opportunities going forward. <br />Personally, Councilmember Laliberte read her response to a recent Letter to the Editor in <br />the Roseville Review from J�rdy Bejglirjid of the Leagzre of Woi�ien Voters questioning <br />her transparency in local government, specifically with the issue or organized trash col- <br />lection. Councilmember Laliberte provided her rationale throughout that decision- <br />making process, asking that all the facts be reviewed before questioning her transparency. <br />Councilmember McGehee suggested Councilmember Laliberte's rebuttal may be more <br />appropriate in writing rather than using this communications time during a City Council <br />meeting. <br />City Manager Trudgeon reported on last weekend's orchard planting, with Mayor Roe <br />and Councilmember Etten also attending; and noted the importance of this linkage in <br />producing locally grown food to supply families and local food shelfs; thanking the <br />community for their support of this great event. <br />Mayor Roe reported a meeting attended last week by he and City Manager Trudgeon with <br />representatives of the Cities of St. Paul and Maplewood specific to the Rice <br />Street/Larpenteur Avenue area. Mayor Roe reported that this first meeting provided an <br />opportunity to get a sense of where everyone was at, the possibilities and issues; with the <br />overall outcome being that everyone wanted to pursue area-wide public listening ses- <br />sion(s) with stakeholders this summer to receive broader feedback. Mayor Roe advised <br />that City Manager Trudgeon would have more information about that public opportunity <br />at the next Council meeting. Mayor Roe clarified that this continued to be a very infor- <br />mal working group to make sure everyone was on the same page and ensure no miscom- <br />munication; with no public input at these meetings to-date. However, Mayor Roe sug- <br />gested that efforts be made going forward to make sure those meetings are noticed appro- <br />priately, especially with elected officials in attendance. <br />Mayor Roe reported that he and City Manager Trudgeon met with Independent School <br />District No. 623 Superintendent Dr. Aldo Sicoli and School Board President Mark Tray- <br />nor to preliminarily discuss the district's facility efforts scheduled to begin in earnest this <br />fall. Mayor Roe noted that part of the discussion included the City's model for successful <br />public engagement processes. <br />