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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, May 16, 2016 <br />Page 29 <br />Mr. Paschke noted that was the rationale for the City Council to select uses, citing <br />Twin Lakes as an example and how that development was driven by the City <br />Council versus staff. <br />Ms. Collins suggested a pilot program for the greater notification aspect of these <br />recommendations, allowing staff to flesh out some of the more detailed criteria or <br />extraordinary notification, using the remainder of 2016 to implement the pilot <br />program and then come back at year end to determine what is or is not working <br />(lines 92 — 95). <br />In general, Councilmembers supported the pilot project concept. <br />Mayor Roe noted the need to get the tenninology right specific to extraordinary <br />distance or expanding notification areas. <br />Councilmember Etten expressed appreciation for the greater types of notification. <br />Councilmeinber Wilhnus spoke in support of the pilot project, but noted his long- <br />term concerns with use of, sign size, and ads in the Roseville Re- <br />view given the lacic of reliable delivery citywide. <br />Councilmember McGehee spoke in support of the city taking back the open house <br />process for more consistency; and expressed her support for the pilot program for <br />renters as indicated and year-end report on their interest level and feedback on the <br />methods being used. Councilmember McGehee expressed her interest in having <br />the city newsletter issued more frequently to make it more up-to-date and timely <br />with current happenings, including this type of issue. <br />At the request of Mayor Roe, Ms. Collins and Mr. Paschke reviewed lines 61 — 68 <br />of the report for more clarity, including increased radius of 1000'; staff's prepara- <br />tion and distribution to attendees of a summary of discussion at the open house; <br />cost of additional staff services applied to applications; and publication in the Ro- <br />seville Review as noted. <br />Mr. Paschke advised that staff would begin modifying code as discussed; but <br />would not bring thein forward for implementation prior to the end of the pilot <br />program. <br />Discussion ensued specific to Conditional Uses (CU), and without objection, <br />Mayor Roe suggested that any CU and Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code text <br />amendments tied to a particular development would be subject to the developer <br />open house requirement based on it running with the land, such as with zoning or <br />map changes, and to be considered as part of future code updates. <br />Ms. Collins duly noted that directive. <br />