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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, May 16, 2016 <br />Page 4 <br />11. Presentations <br />a. 2015 Audit Presentation <br />Assistant Finance Director Jason Schirmacher introduced Auditor Matt Mayer <br />from the firm of BerganKDV, Ltd. for an overview of the 2015 annual audit re- <br />port, the audit process itself and any required disclosures or findings. Mr. Mayer <br />congratulated the City of Roseville on their "Certificate of Achievement for Ex- <br />cellence in Financial reporting" presented again this year for its comprehensive <br />annual financial reports award-winning report, and recognition by other jurisdic- <br />tions for that effort. <br />Documents provided were entitled: "Comprehensive Annual Financial Report," <br />"Communication Letter," and Reports on Internal Control and Compliance with <br />Government Auditing Standard and Legal Compliance" for fiscal year ended De- <br />cember 31, 2015. <br />Mr. Mayer's presentation included a review of the General Fund budget to actual <br />for 2015; and a financial analysis by fund: the General Fund, Tax Capacity, Levy <br />and Rates; and the following Enterprise Funds: Water Fund; Sewer Fund; Golf <br />Course; Solid Waste Recycling; and Storm Drainage. <br />Mr. Mayer recognized improvements in the Golf Course Fund in 2015 due to an <br />extended season and favorable weather, but recommended ongoing diligence in <br />monitoring that Fund going forward. Mr. Mayer also recommended caution in <br />monitoring the Solid Waste Recycling that was significantly supported through <br />grant funds form Ramsey County. Mr. Mayer noted the Storm Drainage Fund's <br />strong financial condition even after transferring funds to the Water Fund. <br />Mr. Mayer referenced their firm's minimal finding of material misstatements de- <br />tected as a result of audit procedures that had been corrected by management, <br />specifically adjusting amounts due other governments, and adjusting compensated <br />absences. <br />At the request of Councilmember Willmus specific to the approximate $468,000 <br />pending in property tax appeals with Ramsey County, Finance Director Chris Mil- <br />ler advised that no broad update is available as to when outcomes may be re- <br />solved, with only one settlement reported to date and resulting in $1,800 back to <br />the City of Roseville. Mr. Miller noted the more significant property appeals <br />were still pending (approximately 12), but he anticipated their resolution yet this <br />year, at which time the City Council would be advised accordingly, . <br />For the Enterprise Fund graphs in the audit report, Mayor Roe sought clarification <br />as to whether capital funds entered into the figures represented as operating reve- <br />nues and expenditures. <br />