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City Council Ordinances
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Last modified
5/30/2018 2:27:33 PM
Creation date
6/14/2016 2:33:16 PM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Ordinances
Meeting Date
Meeting Type
Ordinance #
Ordinance Title
Ordinance amending selected text of the Roseville city code, Title 9, Chapter 908, to regulate rental lecensing for multifamily rental dwellings of 5 or more units
Ordinance Date Passed
Ordinance Date Published
Publication Type
Publication Newspaper
Publication Date (lst)
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1. False stateinents, misrepresentations, or fraudulent statements on any application or other <br />infonnation or report required by this Chapter to be given by the applicant or licensee. <br />2. Failure to pay any application fee, fine, penalty, re-inspection fees, reinstatement fee, special <br />assessments, real estate taxes, or other financial claims due to the City as required by this <br />Chapter and City Council resolution. <br />3. Failure to continuously comply with any property maintenance, zoning, health, building, <br />nuisance, or other City Codes; or failure to con•ect deficiencies noted in an Inspectioil <br />Report or other c�ompliance n��dotices within the time specified. ��� }',� ^^};^� <br />4. Failure to comt�ly with the �rovisions of an approved inemorandum of understandin� <br />(YIOU) with the Citv that addresses noted deficiencies and violations of anv property <br />maintenance, zonin�, health, buildin�, nuisance, or other Citv Codes. <br />4 5. Failure to comply with the provisions of an approved memorandum of understanding <br />(MOU) with the City that addresses the underlying causes for the nuisance conduct and <br />provides a course of action to alleviate the nuisance conduct. <br />� 6. Failure to actively pursue the termination of the tenancy of tenants who have violated the <br />provision of this Chapter or Lease Addendum on file with the City or have otherwise <br />created a public nuisance in violation of City, state, or applicable laws. <br />� 7. Failure to eliminate imminent health and life safety hazards as determined by the City or its <br />authorized representatives. <br />�-: 8. Failure to operate or maintain the licensed premises in conformity with all applicable state <br />and local laws and ordinances. <br />D. License Action Sections: Revocation, suspension, and non-renewal may be brought under either <br />this Section or any other Section of Chapter 908. <br />E. Notification, Hearin� and Decisions Basis: <br />1. Written Notice, Hearin�: A decision to revoke, suspend, deny, or not renew a license shall <br />be preceded by written notice to the applicant or licensee of the alleged grounds, and the <br />applicant or licensee will be given an opportunity for a hearing before the City Council <br />before final action to revoke, suspend, deny, or not renew a license. <br />2. Decision Basis: The Citv. Council shall give due regard to the frequency and seriousness of <br />violations, the ease with which such violations could have been remedied or avoided, and the <br />good faith efforts to comply. The Citv Council shall issue a decision to deny, not renew, <br />suspend, or revoke a license only upon written findings. <br />F. Affected MRD: The Citv Council may suspend, e� revoke �-kE� or not renew a license for <br />part or all of an MRD. <br />G. License Actions, Rea�lication: <br />1. Suspension: Licenses may be suspended for up to ninety (90) calendar days and may after <br />the period of suspension be reinstated subject to compliance with this Chapter and any <br />conditions imposed by the City Council at the time of suspension. <br />2. Revocation, Denial, Nonrenewal: Licenses that are revoked will not be reinstated until the <br />owner has applied for and secured a new license and complied with all conditions imposed at <br />the time of revocation. Upon a decision to revoke, deny, or not renew a license, no approval <br />of any application for a new license for the same facility will be effective until after the <br />period of time specified in the Litv Council's written decision, which shall not exceed one <br />(1) year. The Citv Council shall specify in its written decision the date when an application <br />0 <br />
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