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City of <br />l�� <br />� <br />Minnesota, USA <br />Regular City Council Meeting Minutes <br />City Hall Council Chambers, 2660 Civic Center Drive <br />Monday, May 23, 2016 <br />1. Roll Call <br />Mayor Roe called the meeting to order at approximately 6:00 p.m. Voting and Seating <br />Order: Willmus, Laliberte, Etten, McGehee, and Roe. City Manager Patrick Trudgeon <br />and City Attorney Mark Gaughan were also present. <br />2. Pledge of Allegiance <br />3. Approve Agenda <br />City Manager Trudgeon advised that Consent Item 8.b inadvertently included a request <br />for an on-sale 3.2% non-intoxicating Liquor License for HR LLC, d/b/a Home 2 Suites <br />Roseville, a hotel located at 2020 Iona Lane. Mr. Trudgeon noted this item required a <br />public hearing, which had been noticed, but should be considered as a separate agenda <br />item. The amended agenda provided as a bench handout included this item as Item 12.a <br />to hear public comment and consider possible action. <br />Councilmember Laliberte requested removal of Item 8.f from the Consent Agenda for <br />separate consideration. <br />McGehee moved, Etten seconded, approval of the agenda as amended. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Willmus, Laliberte, Etten, McGehee, and Roe. <br />Nays: None. <br />4. Public Comment <br />Mayor Roe called for public comment by members of the audience on any non-agenda <br />items. <br />a. Kathy Ramundt, 1161 Laurie Road <br />Ms. Ramundt referenced a recent topic of discussion by the City Council last <br />week related to and its use as a tool to inform citizens of city mes- <br />sages. Ms. Ramundt reviewed the misconceptions about this tool, changes made <br />over the last 4-5 years, features/controls available, and reviewed the process to <br />sign up, advising that approximately 2,500 residents were signed up to-date. Ms. <br />Ramundt asked that the City Council consider this as one tool in their city toolbox <br />of inedia options. <br />Ms. Ramundt advised that she had spoken with city staff on ways to make people <br />aware of this and suggested ways the city could assist in those efforts while still <br />emphasizing that this was a self-managed tool for and by residents, with the city <br />not controlling the site. <br />