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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, May 23, 2016 <br />Page 25 <br />cilmember Etten also questioned the general purpose for LDR and allowing for <br />sufficient space between homes, noting homes in LDR-2 sections of this devel- <br />opment continued to increase in value resulting in some pretty expensive homes. <br />Councihnember Laliberte spoke in favor of some space, but also expressed con- <br />cern about resulting large homes on tiny lots. To keep continuity with what was <br />already in Roseville, Councilmember Laliberte spoke in support of what was al- <br />ready in place; and while being open to a smaller number, stated that the recom- <br />mended 50% was too high for her. <br />Councilmember McGehee agreed with Councilmember Laliberte, and recognized <br />Councilmember Etten's opposition to this development in the first place, since he <br />is familiar with the topography of this area. Councilmember McGehee noted that <br />this touched on Councilmember Laliberte's comments, and involved how to move <br />forward as a community with infill development and increasing density, and what <br />the aesthetic of the community was. While willing to give a little, Councilmem- <br />ber McGehee stated she would not support the recommended 50%, but would also <br />not be unhappy remaining at the 30%, <br />Mayor Roe noted there were two Councilmembers not wishing to move from the <br />current 30%, and three who might consider more than that. <br />Willmus moved, McGehee seconded, enacting an ordinance limiting a maxi- <br />mum improvement area to 35% rather than the current 30%. <br />City Attorney Gaughan specified that this ordinance was proposed as a specific <br />text amendment at 50%; and therefore any action other than that would require <br />DENIAL of the request with specific findings; followed by subsequent action by <br />the City Council. <br />At the request of Mayor Roe, City Attorney Gaughan recommended that the most <br />appropriate subsequent action would be to go back to the Planning Commission <br />process separate fonn this action. <br />Mr. Lloyd clarified that the request, at its core, was to consider more than 30% as <br />is currently written in city code, with the 50% being a suggested and reasonable <br />benchmark addressing building footprint and parking needs for LDR-2 zoning <br />designation. While it appeared in the application, Mr. Lloyd advised that the 50% <br />was not the number being ultimately sought by the applicant. <br />Mayor Roe noted that there was a specific statement in paragraph three of the ap- <br />plicant's narrative seeking city code change for minimum area to 50% coverage; <br />and deemed that represented a specific request. Therefore, as noted by City At- <br />torney Gaughan, Mayor Roe suggested denial of the request, with subsequent di- <br />
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