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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 13, 2016 <br />Page 11 <br />opined that this potential purchase addressed the general concept of such a pocket <br />park. Councilmember Etten noted that the city could move forward over time as <br />such parcels became available, and noted that the sites currently under considera- <br />tion were accessible from sidewalks on the east and south sides, as well as from <br />the new sidewalk along County Road B west of Cleveland Avenue. <br />Councilmember Laliberte stated her agreement_with her colleagues for_the most <br />-- -- --- <br />part, while questioning the accuracy of some-of the comments without further re- <br />search and related to acquisition of the 2025 parcel and apparent lack of interest <br />by the Parks & Recreation staff or their level of interest. However, Coun- <br />cilmember Laliberte stated she was not interested in paying developer-level pric- <br />ing for the 2025 parcel, but couldn't comment further without knowing more in- <br />formation on the asking or appraisal prices. Councihnember Laliberte agreed <br />with Councilmember Etten's comments that this property and the engagement <br />process is a result of the Master Plan discussion updates, and opined that was a <br />good thing. Councilinember Laliberte opined that anytime the city went back out <br />into the community for additional feedback that was good public process. When <br />the city asks residents what they'd like their neighborhood park to be, and if that <br />feedback comes back that they can't envision any use for the land, Councilmem- <br />ber Laliberte agreed that the parcels could be resold and other opportunities seized <br />at that time. Councilmeinber Laliberte stated she would support the motion, since <br />it provided an opportunity that was available now for the city, and didn't preclude <br />further consideration in the fiiture to pursue other opportunities. Councilmember <br />Laliberte opined it would be good to get more information as to what other par- <br />cels may be available to the city for acquisition. <br />Mayor Roe stated he had no information about another potential buyer for the Ze- <br />ro Cleveland parcels, nor did he have information that the Parks Department was <br />not interested in the 2025 County Road B parcel. However, Mayor Roe noted that <br />he did know that there had been a land use application before the city for the 2025 <br />parcel for redevelopment, and opined it would have been extremely inappropriate <br />for the city to attempt an offer on the parcel when at the same time being asked to <br />consider a development proposal, creating an obvious ethical issue with the city <br />appearing to have a vested interested in not approving a proposal because it want- <br />ed to acquire the parcel for park use. Mayor Roe suggested that may have been <br />staff's rationale in expressing a lack of interest in the parcel at the time they were <br />asked to avoid putting the city in a position to appear interested in a property be- <br />fore them for redevelopment, again creating a strong appearance of conflict of in- <br />terest. <br />City Manager Trudgeon confirmed staff's response rationale as noted by Mayor <br />Roe. <br />As stated by Councilmembers Etten and Laliberte, Councilmember Willmus reit- <br />erated that this purchase in no way precluded the city from looking at the 2025 <br />