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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 13, 2016 <br />Page 17 <br />ly in certain specific areas of the city where this has been problematic, but that <br />education is being done on a person-to-person basis. <br />Chair Newby had noted coinmunication received by staff and the commission on <br />the deer issue; and sough assurances that the City Council was also being copied <br />on those emails. Chair Newby xeported that the only infor�nation not forwarded <br />to the City Council was informal comments when commissioners had been_out <br />and about the coinmunity, and people had inquired about the ordinance, with most <br />of those inquiries about misconceptions about hunting and feeding. <br />Councilmember McGehee thanked the commission for endorsing the Marion <br />Street park; opining it was a wonderful thing and very much needed; and stated <br />her often voiced opinion that the city adopt a policy to ensure adequate green <br />space in all High Density Residential (HDR) zoning districts. <br />Chair Newby noted the coinmission's involvement in reviewing and providing in- <br />put into the city's asset management program, and adoption by the City Council <br />in 2015 of the civic priority plan, including asset management. Chair Newby as- <br />sured Councilmembers that the commission would continue to review respective <br />parks, facilities and infrastructure segments related to parks and recreation. <br />Councihnember Willmus specifically asked the commission to review the 2016 <br />coinmunity survey results about park building use, noting the comments were <br />quite iinpressive. <br />Councilmember Etten thanked the commission for all their work, especially the <br />huge accomplishment as the Park Renewal Prograin nears completion, as well as <br />for looking down the road going forward on new items. <br />Mayor Roe noted, as a key thing the City Council addressed as part of the city's <br />2016 budget process was the proactive tackling of capital improvement program <br />(CIP) issues. Given the significant and immediate deficit in the parks and recrea- <br />tion area of the CIP, Mayor Roe noted that the funds go negative this or next year; <br />and noted the Commission and staff were tasked to look at that very closely. <br />Mayor Roe asked that the commission do so as well to identify any expenditures <br />that could be reasonably delayed or changes made to the plan; or if additional <br />funding sources could be identified beyond the previously-discussed park dedica- <br />tion fee. Mayor Roe noted recent accountings indicating surplus Park Renewal <br />Program bond funds that may be applicable to park CIP uses and help to some- <br />what alleviate the deficit situation. Mayor Roe stated that he wanted input from <br />the commission and their recommendations about how to address this deficit, not- <br />ing he didn't want to see negative lines in the CIP going forward, but to see it ad- <br />equately and realistically funded. <br />