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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 13, 2016 <br />Page 21 <br />a. Receive Information on the Upcotning Comprehensive Plan Update and Pro- <br />vide Direction on the Scope of the Update, the Public Engagement Strategy, <br />and the Overall Timeline of the Process to Update the Comprehensive Plan <br />(PROJ-0037) <br />Interim Community Development Director Kari Collins and Senior P1aruler Bryan <br />Lloyd were present to provide an overview of information regarding the upcom- <br />__ ing comprehensive plan update,_ as detailed in the RCA. Ms. Collins asked _the <br />— ------- ------ - - -- <br />City Council to provide direction to staff on the scope of the update, the public <br />engagement strategy, and overall timeline of the process. <br />During the presentation, and as per the RCA, staff highlighted each chapter or <br />section, and advised that the scope of the project defined by the City Council <br />would inform the degree of outside consultant use for specific chapters versus in- <br />house technical review of those deemed consistent with the 2008 update. <br />Public Works Director Marc Culver briefly reviewed those chapters under the <br />Public Works realm, noting that a different outside consultant would be reviewing <br />those chapters on a parallel track with other consultant work and including public <br />input. Mr. Culver reported that all chapters would be presented together upon <br />their completion for City Council final approval prior to seeking review and <br />comment by other jurisdictions and agencies, before final submission to the Met- <br />ropolitan Council. Mr. Culver noted that staff intended to integrate and update <br />the Pathway Master Plan into the transportation chapter, inchiding seeking public <br />input on updated pathway priorities. <br />Specific to the economic development and redevelopment chapters, Ms. Collins <br />noted the need to identify whether a consultant specializing in those areas was <br />needed to assist the process, noting there would be some level of updating needed <br />in transitioning from the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) to the <br />Economic Development Authority (EDA), even though soine of the policies and <br />goals remained consistent.. <br />Specific to environmental protection and utilities chapters, Mr. Culver advised <br />that some consultant assistance may be needed for special modeling and data pro- <br />duction, most of the work could be completed in-house by staff and then incorpo- <br />rated into the updated plan. <br />Mr. Culver highlighted the surface water management section, advising that this <br />was already out for a Request for Proposals (RFP) due to timing with one of the <br />three area watershed districts and their review slated for the city in August of <br />2017. However, Mr. Culver noted that this information would also be reviewed <br />and presented to the public for their feedback. <br />