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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
7/5/2016 2:30:31 PM
Creation date
7/5/2016 2:30:18 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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In conclusion, Mr. Johnson reported on the very successful semi-annual clean-up <br /> day in Roseville recently held. Mr. Johnson advised that this continued to be a <br /> very popular service for residents, including shredding day —a fan favorite—with <br /> seven tons shredded in each of the last two years at the City Hall parking lot and <br /> free of charge for Roseville residents. <br /> 8. City Council Joint Meeting Agenda <br /> Mr. Freihammer provided last year's discussion items for reference, and proposed <br /> topics for this year's joint meeting between the PWETC and City Council, <br /> scheduled for June 20, 2016. <br /> Activities and Accomplishments <br /> Chair Cihacek noted the PWETC's discussion and consideration of water service <br /> issues, including a possible shared risk plan offered by a private vendor and <br /> considerable time taken as requested by the City Council, but ultimately denied <br /> by the City Council. <br /> Chair Cihacek suggested it may be incumbent for the PWETC to ask the City <br /> Council about several of those situations, where the PWETC offered a solution, <br /> but the City Council had subsequently chosen to deny the recommendation. Chair <br /> Cihacek questioned if there was a more effective or efficient way of moving <br /> forward with City Council charges to the PWETC. <br /> Member Heimerl noted the considerable time spent by the PWETC on solar <br /> issues, solar gardens and other projects. Member Heimerl opined that those <br /> remained important issues, even though still pending, including panels installed <br /> on the ice arena. Member Heimerl expressed his interest in the PWETC <br /> providing further guidance yet this year. <br /> Mr. Johnson reported that staff continued to work with several solar developers <br /> looking at the City Hall campus, based on roof age, structural make-up, and <br /> comparisons with the problematic roof structure of the skating center that slowed <br /> down that project. Mr. Johnson reported that staff was still awaiting proposals for <br /> that skating center project, and remained open to the potential, with ongoing work <br /> with the Metropolitan Council and developer to finalize specific numbers on what <br /> the City of Roseville could save and available kilowatt hours it could purchase. <br /> Mr. Johnson noted it was a slow process, but would eventually save the city <br /> money, and everyone understood it was the right thing to do while not wanting to <br /> jump in and then find out only a minimal amount of annual savings could be <br /> found. Mr. Johnson advised that once the proposals came back, staff would bring <br /> them to the PWETC. <br /> As far as the OVAL installation, Mr. Johnson advised this remained part of the <br /> overall picture depending on the developer(s) and involving the potential <br /> consideration of other buildings on the city campus and the viability of the final <br /> Page 12 of 17 <br />
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