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City Council Meeting Minutes
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7/29/2016 3:26:11 PM
Creation date
7/26/2016 10:10:05 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 18, 2016 <br />Page 13 <br />City Manager Trudgeon outlined recommendations, specifically highlighting the <br />proposed Mental Health Liaison Officer was intended as a pilot program for the <br />first year, with additional details still pending for presentation at a later date to the <br />City Council, including specific restrictions on use of Forfeiture Funds for short- <br />term funding. City Manager Trudgeon further noted the contractual obligations of <br />$105,000 for cost of living adjustments (COLA) increases, reducing the total <br />COLA accordingly for non-union employees. <br />Discussion <br />Councilmember McGehee noted that the recommended use of reserves brought <br />the projected reserves within a hair of the bottom range and balance. Coun- <br />cilmember McGehee noted proposed reduction or deferral of capital improvement <br />program (CIP) items seemed harsh from her perspective. <br />City Manager Trudgeon noted the annual need to analyze CIP needs, and simply <br />because it shows up on the spreadsheet, that annual examination identified things <br />that could be deferred or deemed no longer necessary. Mr. Trudgeon noted a <br />harder part of that conversation involved whether or not a particular CIP need <br />could be accommodated if there was no funding available; also involving whether <br />to defer it when weighed against the broader picture in lieu of no available fund- <br />ing. <br />Councilmember McGehee requested additional information from City Manager <br />Trudgeon via email those specific CIP items that remained imperative, those de- <br />ferred, and those discontinued. <br />Mayor Roe clarified that could constitute staff checking off those items on the <br />spreadsheet to provide a list of what was being recommended for 2017 from that <br />general spreadsheet. <br />Mayor Roe noted this provided an annual opportunity to review and understand <br />the CIP with many questions remaining. While agreeing that each year the review <br />was needed, Mayor Roe noted the ongoing negative funding that would occur in <br />the near future and the need to identify solutions for that funding. While confi- <br />dent it remained on staff's radar screen, Mayor Roe reiterated the need to develop <br />a plan to deal with those issues. <br />Councilmember Laliberte questioned the make-up of the ongoing cost for volun- <br />teer recognition efforts and how much was involved in one-time database costs or <br />for ongoing support and maintenance of the database. <br />City Manager Trudgeon reported that there was continuing software support of <br />approximately $2,000 to $3,000; and clarified that in the past this had not been in- <br />cluded as a line item, but going forward would be shown as a budget item. At this <br />point, Mr. Trudgeon noted it was listed under prograimning costs for the Parks & <br />
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