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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 18, 2016 <br />Page 16 <br />Councilmember McGehee noted previous budget discussions indicating seniors <br />were often forgotten, and while staff had been asked to address that issue, there <br />was nothing included as part of this presentation. <br />City Manager Trudgeon agreed there was nothing new or proposed in this 2017 <br />budget. However, as noted in a previous report, Mr. Trudgeon noted the existing <br />provisions for senior citizens within the community and numerous things already <br />being done. While recognizing there was always more to be done, Mr. Trudgeon <br />asked that the City Council remain aware that not all of its priorities will or can be <br />accomplished in one year. Similarly with the strategic technology initiative, Mr. <br />Trudgeon noted there wasn't much seen in the 2017 proposed budget, since staff <br />had determined further and a more detailed review was needed to determine the <br />gaps in current programming. Mr. Trudgeon noted the same was true for the <br />needs of seniors in the community, to determine the areas where they're receiving <br />needed support and to define gaps. Mr. Trudgeon noted there would be a substan- <br />tial amount of work in the community to fill some of those gaps; but further noted <br />seniors were being supported in many areas with material costs and with staff <br />presence. However, at this point, Mr. Trudgeon advised that the intent was to <br />continue as is until a more detailed review had been accomplished and future op- <br />portunities indicated; therefore he had not recommended anything new in this par- <br />ticular 2017 budget. <br />Councilmember Laliberte agreed that work was already in place, but asked that <br />this senior segment of the population not be forgotten going forward. <br />Mayor Roe suggested the Parks & Recreation Department also be involved in that <br />discussion based on their outreach to the community and awareness of some of <br />those gaps that the city may know or need to know about. <br />Specific to partnerships with the School District, Councilmember Laliberte noted <br />the retirement of the RASP person. Councilmember Laliberte noted this created a <br />need for everyone involved to understand if there were larger gaps with a change <br />to that position than what the School District provided. <br />Mayor Roe suggested staff obtain a report back from the School District on their <br />plans and any programming gaps from their perspective; with City Manage <br />Trudgeon duly noting that verification request. <br />Specific to the $65,000 CIP allotment for pathways and trails, City Manager <br />Trudgeon confirmed for Councilmember McGehee that the intent was to fund <br />long-term replacement/rehabilitation to avoid the current conundrum in needing <br />significant dollars to repair existing facilities. <br />Councilmember Etten expressed appreciation for his opportunity to discuss some <br />of these items with City Manager Trudgeon last week. Specific to the focus on <br />