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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 18, 2016 <br />Page 18 <br />Mr. Johnson further detailed options for park and/or trail pick-up and frequency, <br />providing a variety of costs depending on the actual park, frequency of use, and <br />locations of trails and their accessibility. <br />In conclusion, and based on the presented information, Mr. Johnson concluded <br />that Eureka Recycling was staff's recommendation with a five year contract in- <br />cluding park collection, and vendor owned carts. <br />Mr. Johnson asked for City Council feedback and authorization to initiate negotia- <br />tions with their selected contractor, followed by future City Council approval of a <br />contract in August ar September of 2016. <br />Councilmember Etten asked staff to describe the scenarios listed for organics col- <br />lection looking to the future, and what they thought may work better based on the <br />submitted proposals from these four firms. <br />Mr. Johnson noted all proposals, if applicable, considered organic collection as an <br />opt-in program, with the city or contractor chosen to publicize that offering and <br />direct contact with the resident to sign up with the vendor. Similar to the current <br />waste stream option, Mr. Johnson advised that the intent would be to use smaller <br />vehicles with fewer stops given the lighter load; with the option available should <br />there be sufficient interest among Roseville residents to make it feasible. If there <br />was enough interest, Mr. Johnson advised that staff would work with the chosen <br />vendor to renegotiate prices if and when that interest became high enough. Mr. <br />Johnson noted there was a large range of prices in that particular market right now <br />depending on where those organic markets were found. <br />At the request of Councilmember Etten, Mr. Johnson noted the various collection <br />options also available depending on the contractor; but confirmed in the short- <br />term organics collection would be a separate bill between the vendor and resident, <br />with no involvement by the city other than the customer service realm, with a list <br />provided to the city by the vendor of those homes participating. <br />In the scoring area, Councilmember Etten noted the past performance low mark <br />received by the current vendor, Eureka Recycling, and asked if that service issue <br />would be addressed in the future if Eureka was the chosen vendor. <br />Mr. Johnson advised that staff's rationale in the low rank on the performance <br />sheet was based on a late annual mailing at the time he was performing reviews of <br />the company, with that mailing two months behind schedule. Mr. Johnson ad- <br />vised that, in all fairness to Eureka and other proposers, he did not seek out the <br />reasons for that delay, but simply noted that as a performance issue without fur- <br />ther explanation. <br />