City of Roseville
<br />ORDINANCE NO. 1506
<br />TITLE 3, CHAPTER 304
<br />SECTION 1:Title 1, Chapter 304 of the Roseville City Code is amended to read as follows:
<br />304.04: CONTRIBUTIONS:
<br />A. Each organization conducting lawful gambling within the City shall contribute at least 10% of
<br />its net profits derived from lawful gambling in the City to a#�l-Fund administered and
<br />regulated by the City. This contribution shall be for the bumoses defined in Minnesota Statutes
<br />Chapter 349, �E�cept for disburseinents for police, fire, and other eineraenc�public
<br />safety-related setvices, as provided for in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349, which shall be made
<br />directly frorn the Fund bv �ction of the City Council, the City then shall make disbursements
<br />from the Fund to the Roseville Area Community r�-��', ^�����e�-e�-1 l�y=-t����-*��l��rrl��
<br />��Foundation, a Minnesota nonprofit corparation, which shall maintain the funds for
<br />further disburselnent as charitable contributions. _
<br />_ •� . The City's directive to the Roseville Area
<br />Community r��', ^��€�e�=t�e `�C��'^��•�'�•��, �'^���~���Foundation- as to the use of
<br />the funds shall be ,r,,,ao „� ��,o �;,,.,o „��i,o r;�<,�� .,a„r*;,,r „�;�� � �� �,,,,a�o� e,. „ ,�i,ro„��
<br />�ie�e�e provided for in a written formal agreement "��m^r�r�'„� ^�rT„a���+^^a;^rt, executed
<br />between the City and the Foundation, and approveci bv the Citv Council, as ainended fi-om time
<br />to tiine. (Ord. 1327, 10-10-OS) (Ord. 1412, 7-11-2011)
<br />B. The Roseville Area Cominunity Foundation shall provide an annual report to the City Council
<br />in writin a�nd by oral presentation, outlinin� the financial condition of the City funds, includin�
<br />chan�es since the previous report, and the naines of the recipients, purposes, and, as available,
<br />outcomes of charitable contributions froin the Citv fiinds since the previous report.
<br />-�C. Each organization conducting lawful gambling shall expend or contribute a minimum of
<br />75% of its net profits from Roseville gambling sites by the end of each premises permit year. The
<br />remaining percentage may be carried over to the subsequent permit or license year. The City
<br />Council may grant a variance authorizing the organization to carry over more t-k�than 25% of
<br />all its net profits for expenditure in the subsequent permit or license year.
<br />�D. In the event any organization contributes to the City any sum in excess of the10% as
<br />required in subsection A above, said funds will be deposited and allocated to the Roseville Area
<br />Community�,,,,�a „ ,,,a,,,;,,;��o,-,��a �,., ��,o �r,,.fi�, c„�,,,,.�,,,�, r,,,,,,,,,,,,;�.. Foundation. T., ���
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