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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
8/26/2016 2:31:57 PM
Creation date
8/17/2016 1:47:26 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 25, 2016 <br />Page 13 <br />Councilmember McGehee noted the existing PUD process now in place, and stat- <br />ed her lack of interest in changing it, since it changed across the entire city, not <br />just for one parcel. Councilmember McGehee noted the city had a history of do- <br />ing � spot rezoning, which she was not supportive of. However, Councilmem- <br />ber McGehee questioned the best option for a site and desirable project such as <br />the Good Samaritan project where it provided needed housing stock, and whether <br />it was possible to provide a CU for this particular parcel and specify the number <br />of units sought by the developer with appropriate height and setbacks addressed. <br />Councilmember McGehee opined she found their site plan and overall layout rea- <br />sonable; but struggled with how to specify CU running with the land and to what <br />extend to ensure it conformed with no more than 48 units and the proposed over- <br />all building footprint and height, specific to a CU. <br />Mayor Roe clarified that staff's recommendation was to change the number of <br />units per acre, with all other zoning requirements for HDR-1 and HDR-2 districts <br />remaining unchanged. Mayor Roe noted the Good Samaritan project met all zon- <br />ing requirements for HDR-1 except the number of units per acre; and this pro- <br />posed revision attempted to address that, while not changing any other standards <br />already met. Mayor Roe opined that if the City Council wanted a CU to apply <br />more restrictions on other elements, it sounded more like a PUD process to <br />change density. <br />Mr. Paschke noted the PUD process, up to 36 units in the case of the Good Sa- <br />maritan project, would serve to limit that project to a certain number of units on <br />the site and other conditions that would run with the property. Mr. Paschke noted <br />the majority of the project met most other HDR-1 conditions. <br />At the request of Mayor Roe, City Attorney Gaughan clarified that any conditions <br />reasonable related to and pursuant to the CU process and the actual project itself <br />allowed the City Council some latitude and direction under the PUD process to <br />include more ancillary conditions as indicated, and as noted "reasonable" and al- <br />ready within the city's PUD language ordinance. <br />Mayor Roe clarified the reasons for concern and rationale in looking at PUD's <br />was the notion of providing all other changes when looking to address a particular <br />proposal that met all other requirements of HDR-1, other than rezoning for units <br />per acre, as with the Good Samaritan project. However, Mayor Roe noted that <br />discussion opened up other discussions related to height and setbacks on the site <br />that would follow the property in perpetuity. Therefore, Mayor Roe suggested the <br />city keep the rest of the zoning parameters in place, and allow for no density in <br />CU versus the PUD process; noting that wasn't relevant to this proposal; and <br />therefore suggested not putting that into play in this situation when considering <br />density per acre. <br />
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