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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 25, 2016 <br />Page 17 <br />from its original intended general area and proposed locating it near the corner as <br />shown to enhance security with fencing; as well as it being further away from any <br />potential drainage issues toward Langton Lake. <br />At the request of Councilmember Willmus, Mr. Paschke reviewed other crushing <br />operations that may have occurred in the Twin Lakes area in the past or more re- <br />cently, advising the only other he was aware of was on Walnut Street when a <br />large building was demolished and crushed on site. Mr. Paschke advised that a <br />permit was approved as an IU on the Dorso site in the past when the area was un- <br />der a Master Plan developer, but the project had not come to fruition. <br />Councilmember McGehee noted there was no analysis about the potential for as- <br />bestos, and advised that often in older concrete, asbestos was used as a method to <br />strengthen the concrete. Councilmember McGehee also expressed concern with <br />the potential for dust, whether containing asbestos or not that may occur and be <br />significant. Specific to the asbestos, Councilmember McGehee advised that con- <br />firmation of its existence could only be done through testing of the concrete; and <br />based on her review of documentation there was nothing addressing such testing. <br />Also, if the intent is to make this area look better and have this site shove-ready, <br />Councilmember McGehee questioned how a stockpile of quasi-crushed material <br />on the site for up to two years could accomplish that goal. Regarding the poten- <br />tial for asbestos in the concrete to be crushed on site, Councilmember McGehee <br />opined there was no oversight from any government agency on that crushing as it <br />now stands. <br />With the city being in the role of environmental monitoring, Mr. Paschke advised <br />that other than the required permits issued by the Minnesota Pollution Control <br />Agency (MPCA), he was unsure of other requirements the developer and/or con- <br />tractor would need to comply with. <br />Mayor Roe and Councilmember Etten referenced the Response Action Plan <br />(RAP) completed by the applicant (Attachment C, page 5) for that information. <br />Councilmember McGehee disputed that as in adequate, opining that the RAP ad- <br />dressed buried building materials, requiring a certified inspector to address on <br />site; but clarified she was not referring to buried material, but existing concrete <br />poured during a period in time when it was common to include asbestos fibers in <br />concrete for stability. Councilmember McGehee advised that she had provided <br />City Manager Trudgeon with an article about that practice. <br />Mayor Roe clarified with Councilmember McGehee that her concern was that as- <br />bestos may be in the concrete and could be tested to make that determination. <br />Applicant Representative/Contractor, Bob Vollhaber, Forest Lake Contrac- <br />tors, 14777 Lake Drive, Forest Lake, MN <br />