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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 25, 2016 <br />Page 20 <br />cleaning up these contaminated sites, whether lightly or heavily contaminated <br />concrete, and for that material to be crushed on site at the risk of city residents, <br />hotel patrons, or workers on the project, and potentially stored on site for up to <br />two years, she also found of grave concern. Since this site was so close to the <br />freeway, Councilmember McGehee opined there was no reason, other than addi- <br />tional cost to the contractor and/or developer, the material could easily be hauled <br />off site and clean Class 5 material be hauled in to prepare the site for building. If <br />there was an immediate use eminent for the site and some real oversight of the ac- <br />tual contamination of these materials, Councilmember McGehee stated she may <br />be persuaded, but since there was apparently no use at all of those materials on <br />this site, and the unknown nature of whether they will eventually be hauled off <br />site of not, she didn't see what the city was gaining if allowing the crushing op- <br />eration on site other than having a shove-ready and clean site. Councilmember <br />McGehee further noted this site wasn't out in the middle of nowhere but of poten- <br />tial risk for new tenants on the lake and others around the site; and consisted of <br />known contaminated materials as evidenced by other excavations and soil bor- <br />ings, making it a matter of how much it was contaminated. Councilmember <br />McGehee opined if left up to the contractor to make the determination, which she <br />found to be an inadequate check, it was incumbent upon the municipality to as- <br />sume responsibility for activities or monitoring of those activities in a scientific <br />way to protect the quality of the park and health of its residents and neighbors, as <br />well as patrons of its public amenities. <br />Councilmember Laliberte sought clarification on the 30-day period intent. <br />While unsure if they had yet to be applied for pending approval of the IU by the <br />City Council, City Manager Trudgeon noted that was the anticipated timeframe <br />for the developer/contractor to obtain permit approvals from the state and county <br />with that timeframe yet to be determined depending on the processes of those <br />agencies. <br />Councilmember McGehee asked Mr. Vollhaber for a cost comparison for hauling <br />the materials off sight versus crushing and storing them on site. <br />Mr. Vollhaber responded that it would depend on the market for the materials at <br />the time they became available; but anticipated it would be in the range of <br />$40,000 to $60,000 in savings to crush them on site and re-use them in the local <br />area. <br />At the request of Councilmember McGehee as to whether the reason for seeking <br />the IU to crush on site was solely a financial decision, Mr. Vollhaber responded <br />that it was that partly as well as a wise use of recycled materials in the area in <br />which they were generated rather than trucking them off site. Mr. Vollhaber ad- <br />vised that the intent was to start crushing operations this fall as soon as permits <br />are obtained. <br />