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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 25, 2016 <br />Page 35 <br />igation for impacts related to noise from the speaker box and from headlights in <br />the parking lot. Mr. Paschke noted conditions will be predicated accordingly as <br />site improvements are finalized. <br />At the request of Mayor Roe, Mr. Paschke reviewed conditions for revised lanes <br />on site curving to the back of the site to avoid cars stacking on County Road B-2, <br />especially now with the tenant known; how many seats inside, and anticipated <br />higher impact with this use and the site as modified. <br />At the request of Mayor Roe, Mr. Paschke used the displayed site plan to identify <br />the general area of the speaker box, and related screening and landscaping in the <br />island where it will be located. Mr. Paschke noted this would serve as a decora- <br />tive element, but also serve to block noise from neighbors. <br />At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Mr. Paschke clarified the tenants of <br />the building, noting the window tinting firm was the owner of the building, but <br />not of this business requesting the drive-through, now publically identified as a <br />Dunkin' Donuts franchise. <br />Councilmember McGehee noted previous concerns raised at the Planning Com- <br />mission related to hours of operation that she found to be valid, especially when <br />viewing the aerial map and for those residents directly across the street in Little <br />Canada who will receive the full impact with the parking lot facing Rice Street <br />without screening along that area. Councilmember McGehee noted that appeared <br />to be a big issue for those public speakers, and asked staff how that concern <br />would be addressed for light and noise. <br />Mr. Paschke clarified that conditions addressed areas of concern, other than the <br />hours of operation in accordance with city code, and clarified that staff nor the <br />Planning Commission were recommending that those hours be restricted addi- <br />tionally. Mr. Paschke stated he was unable to address the drive-through or busi- <br />ness hours of operation at this point. <br />Mayor Roe reiterated that city code would address both aspects unless further <br />conditioned. <br />On the boulevard along County Road B-2 as well as in the island, Councilmember <br />Laliberte expressed concern with sight lines on the end of the island for someone <br />coming around the drive-through, but not in it. <br />Mr. Paschke clarified that the sight line would be taken into consideration, and <br />that neither landscaping nor any fencing was intended to the tip of the island. <br />Since it was intended as decorative and noise blocking, Mr. Paschke noted that <br />additional landscaping along the parameter was also required to address head- <br />