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676 However, Mr. Culver noted that the negative of that process, was the two year <br />677 comprehensive plan update. Mr. Culver noted that no identified funding source <br />678 was available for pathway updates anyway; even though several groups had <br />679 petitioned for specific segments, and other areas had received heightened demand, <br />680 but at this time, no intentional public process was in place to address those <br />681 segments. <br />682 <br />683 Member Wozniak noted past discussion about revisiting the ranking system for <br />684 the pathway plan. <br />685 <br />686 Mr. Culver clarified that the current Pathway Master Plan was updated and re - <br />687 prioritized in 2008; but the ranking systemeferenced was an effort of the <br />688 PWETC done in 2013 and subsequentc cerns of the City Council with the <br />a <br />689 method and inconsistency in criteria to how segments were rated. While <br />690 appreciating the effort, Mr. Culver 4ted concerns of the City Council as to the <br />691 validity of the outcome and time needed to address criteria and focus on updating <br />692 priorities. Mr. Culver noted that a number of segments had been completed since <br />693 the last master plan update; but agreed it was worthwhile to address the master <br />694 plan while reviewing zoning, transportation, and transit chapters of the <br />695 comprehensive plan; and include that discussion at the same time to allow for <br />696 public input. <br />697 <br />698 In the 2017 work plan, Chair C ek asked staff to plan on providing the <br />699 PWETC with an updated pathwa map of what had been accomplished to -date as <br />700 a template over missing segments still remaining. Chair Cihacek opined that <br />701 would provide important priority areas and those areas recognized as gaps; <br />702 discussions going forward and prior to moving into the comprehensive <br />703 pla s. Chair Cihacek opined that known gaps are a different context than <br />704 those segments the city would like to plete. Chair Cihacek noted this would <br />705 also address tangible deficits and areas of safety concerns or connectivity; where <br />706 the segments fit into the overall efforts, and those segments requested, those <br />707 completed, and those remaining, gaps in the infrastructure system. Chair Cihacek <br />708 <br />stated he was seeking discussion across those three different map concepts. <br />709 <br />710 <br />Member Wozniak suggested that the PWETC also identify other criteria for rating <br />711 <br />pathways, based on City Council concerns with the PWETC's 2013 ratings and <br />712 <br />perception that they were insufficient or irregular. Member Wozniak opined this <br />713 <br />would allow for criteria identified and an exercise of weighting or rating pathways <br />714 <br />in advance of comprehensive plan activities. <br />715 <br />716 Chair Cihacek agreed that provided a context for integration of this PWETC-level <br />717 piece and priorities in the comprehensive plan discussion, but also was early <br />718 enough in that process to provide context for public input. Chair Cihacek <br />719 suggested that discussion also include connectivity with the regional efforts to St. <br />720 Paul and Minneapolis and infrastructure demands also. Chair Cihacek suggested <br />Page 16 of 19 <br />