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8/18/2016 4:05:21 PM
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8/18/2016 3:56:42 PM
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Project Tasks <br />The following task hour budget summarizes our estimated level of effort <br />for each of the major task categories identified in the RFP. A preliminary <br />project schedule is also provided that shows the general sequence of work <br />we will follow to complete the City approval by February 2017. As noted in <br />the schedule, we will discuss the details of how the City approval process <br />may be adjusted to account for the Rice Creek Watershed District (RCWD) <br />schedule at the kick-off meeting. Options are to request that RCWD review <br />and approve the plan prior to February 2017, or to wait for Council adoption <br />of the plan until after RCWD approves the plan. <br />Deliverables for this project include all electronic files used in development <br />of planning document. This includes all GIS files, Microsoft Word and Excel <br />files, photos and graphics used in the plan and any open house story boards, <br />etc. SEH will deliver all files electronically to the City. The primary deliverable <br />will be the final version of the CSWMP. Our scope of work and fee estimate <br />assumes we will deliver the document in a format that allows for easy posting <br />on the City's website in pdf format with static maps similar to what the current <br />version provides and what most other municipalities have for their plans. <br />We are proposing two additional services to discuss further with the City <br />during final contracting to enhance the format of the final plan deliverable: <br />Creating a truly interactive plan version utilizing a web -based format. <br />An example plan is found in this Stormwater Management Guidance <br />Manual from Philadelphia, which is very well done in an easily navigable <br />and searchable web -based format. Platforms such as WordPress and <br />SquareSpace are utilized to develop responsive web designs which are <br />easily navigable on a wide range of devices - from desktops to mobile <br />phones. The estimated cost of this additional effort is on the order of <br />$4,000 to $5,000. <br />Incorporating interactive map -based elements. An example of this is <br />this San Francisco green infrastructure map which would be a great and <br />unique way to highlight the completed improvement projects located <br />throughout the City. The City of Boulder has used interactive maps <br />extensively for their Comprehensive Plan to create an engaging and <br />informative tool that goes beyond static maps. A similar approach could <br />be followed for the Surface Water Management Plan, including map layers <br />for the City of Roseville's drainage and conveyance system, wetlands <br />and surface waters, land use, and watershed boundaries. Two additional <br />examples with surface water and stormwater relevant interactive map <br />layers include King County and Philadelphia. The estimated cost of this <br />additional effort is on the order of $3,000 to $4,000. <br />In 2013, the CSWMP Update was approximately $18,000 under budget, so <br />our team's thought was to use at least a portion of that to develop web -based <br />and/or map -based interactive plan versions. We are eager to learn more <br />about how the recent IT system improvements will provide a platform for <br />the 2017 Plan update, and we look forward to working with staff to deliver an <br />interactive plan format that will set the Plan apart by being more accessible <br />to today's public and development community. <br />In 2013, the CSWMP <br />Update was <br />approximately $18,000 <br />under budget, so our <br />team's thought was to <br />use at least a portion <br />of that to develop <br />web -based and/or map - <br />based interactive plan <br />versions. <br />SHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. 10 <br />
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