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a.Attachment A <br />As shown in the table above, the total amount ofavailablemonies as of 12/31/15 is $3,521,000, of <br />which, $3,188,000 is unrestricted.A portion of these monies werecommitted or earmarked earlier <br />this year to provide on-going support for existing housing and economic development programs. <br />In addition to these amounts, the EDA also has a number of outstanding loans and mortgages that <br />will provide varying levels of income in future years. They are summarized in the table below. <br />Loan/Mortgage <br />ProgramValue <br />(Restricted) <br />CDBG : 960 Lovell$12,830 <br />(Restricted) <br />CDBG : Sienna Green351,305 <br />(Restricted) <br />CDBG : 1491 Applewood Court59,000 <br />(Restricted) <br />CDBG : 1497 Applewood Court59,000 <br />General EDA Programs: GMHC331,585 <br />Housing Replacement / Single-Family Construction: 1481 Applewood Ct.55,000 <br />Housing Replacement / Single-Family Construction: 1491 Applewood Ct.36,000 <br />Housing Replacement / Single-Family Construction: 1497 Applewood Ct.28,000 <br />Multi-Family & Housing Program: Sienna Green56,095 <br />Total Loan/Mortgage Value$988,815 <br />The total value of existing loans and mortgages as of 12/31/15 is $988,815, of which, $506,680 is <br />unrestricted.However, it will take over 20 years to fully collect on the outstanding balances based <br />oncurrent amortization schedules. <br />Finally, I will note that the City also holds approximately $600,000 in funds in its TIF District #12 <br />(Arona Site), and is slated to collect another $130,000 in 2016. This District is scheduled for <br />decertification on 12/31/16, however there may bepotential uses that the EDA can capitalize on <br />before decertification occurs. Any uses must be within the parameters previously outlined by Bond <br />Counsel. <br />Page 2of 2 <br /> <br />