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�� � oo� <br />�XTRACT OF MINUTES 4F MEETItiG �F THE <br />VARIANCE BQARD OF THE CITY OF RQSEVILLE <br />Pursuank to due call and nokice therea�; a public hearing was held at the regular rneeting of the <br />Variance Board af the City �f Roseville, County a#' Ramsey, Minnesota, on t�e 3ra day of August <br />2016. at 5:30 p.m. <br />�he following members were present: Chair Robert Murphy and Members Chuck Gitzen <br />and Jim Daire; <br />and none �vere absent. <br />Varianee Board Member Gitzen introduced the fvllowin� resolutian and moved its adoption: <br />vs u�soL��rio� �vo. iza <br />.�► RESf}LUTTOti ,�►,PPI20�'I�iG VAR[ANCES TD RC?SEVILLE C�TY CODE SECTIO\ <br />100�3.0� a�D 1004.08 �T 3005 ��"UUDBRIDGE STREET (PF16-02a) <br />WHEREAS, the subject progerty is assi�med Ramsey County Parcel Identificatic�n <br />Number OI-29-?3-1 �-Q�42, and is le�ally described as C�ot 4?, Woodl}mn Park, Ramsey County, <br />�Iinne�ota; and <br />WHEREAS, City Code ,��' 1004.05 prahi�its forwasd-f�cing ���erhead �ioors of attached <br />gara�es from standin� more than 5 feet in front of the remainder of the p�incipal structure; and <br />WHEREAS, the City af Raseville has r�ceived a valid requ�st f�r a variance to this <br />sectian of the City Cade to allow the fonvard-faciz�g overhead door of the praposed attached <br />aara�e to stand 8 feet in front of the remainder af the principal structure and <br />WHEREAS, City Code ti 1004.08 requires principal st�ctures tQ be set back a minimum <br />of 3{} feet from reverse-corner side property lines; and <br />WHE�EAS, the owner of`the subject property has requested a variance to this se�tion of <br />the City Cdde to allow a praposed attached �;ara�e addition ta enczoach approximately 19 feet <br />into the required side yard adjacent to South Owasso Boulevard; and <br />WHEREAS, City Code ,��' 1009.04 (Variances) establishes that the purpose of a variance is <br />"to permit adjustment to the zoning regulations where there are practical diffieulties applying to a <br />parcel of land or building that pre�ent the property trom beir►g used to ihe extent intended by the <br />zoning;" and <br />WHEREAS, the Variance Baard }�as made the following tindings: <br />a. The practical difficulties in this case ar� presented by the steep slopes that make the <br />drivew�ay access to the sicie street dangerous, particularly in the winter, and by the <br />challenge in accommodatin� a reasonable �ervice doar in the side wall ot the �arage, <br />n�ar the front of khe home, when that wall that is only five feet in length. <br />Paee l oi� <br />