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City Council Resolutions
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Last modified
12/8/2016 10:19:44 AM
Creation date
10/5/2016 3:55:54 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Resolutions
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Resolution #
Resolution Title
Approval of Grant Agreement Between Metropolitan Council and the City of Roseville for Grant Eligible Work
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Item 8h: Attachment <br />"Commissioner's Order" - means the "Fourth Order Amending Order• of the <br />Commissioner of Finance Relatin� to Use and Sale of State Bond Financed Property' <br />executed by the Commissioner of Minnesota Mana�ement and Budaet and dated Ju1y 30, <br />2012, as amended. <br />"Counterparty" - means any entiry �vith which the Public Entity contracts under a Use <br />Contract. This clefinition is only neecled ancl onlv applies if the P��blie Entity enters into an <br />c�greerrzent ticith canotlaer parry �rnder ti��hich suc6a otheY partv n�ill oper•ate the Recal Property, <br />cancl if applicc�ble, Fc�eilitv. For call other circumstc�nees this clefiraition is not neecled ay�ad <br />shot�ld be i�nored and treatecl c�s if it ticere leFt blc�nk �ar�cl ariv refer-ence to this term in this <br />,4�ree�vrent shall be i;nored cancl treated czs i the reference �lid not ezist. <br />"Declaration" - means a declaration, or declarations, in the form contained in <br />Attachment I to this A�reement and all amendments thereto, indicating that the Public <br />Entity's ownership interest in the Real Property and, if applicable, Facility is bond financed <br />property �vithin the meanin� of the G.O. Compliance Le�islation and is subject to certain <br />restrictions imposed thereby. <br />'`Event of Default" - means one or more of those events delineated in Section 2.07. <br />"Facilitv", if applicable, - means «10» , which is <br />located, or will be constructed and located, on the Real Property and all equipment that is a <br />part thereof that was purchased with the proceeds of the Pro�ram Grant. <br />"Fair Market Value" — means either (i) the price that would be paici by a willinQ and <br />qualified buyer to a willin� and qualifizd seller as det:.rininzd bv a:� appraisal that assumes <br />that all liens and encumbrances on the property beinQ sold that ne�atively affect the value <br />of such property, will be paid and released, or (ii) the price bid by a purchaser under a <br />public bid procedure after reasonable public notice, �cith the proviso that all liens and <br />encumbrances on the property bein� sold that ne�atively affect thz value of such propei-ty, <br />�vili be paid and released at the time of acquisition by the purchaser. <br />`'G.O. Bonds" - means that portion of the state �eneral obli�ation bonds issued under <br />the authority granted in Article XI, § �(a) of the Minnesota Constitution the proceeds of <br />which are used to fund the Program Grant and any bonds issued to refund or replace such <br />bonds. <br />`'G.O. Compliance Lebislation" - means Minn. Stat. � 16A.695, as it may be <br />amended, modified or replaced from time to time unless such amendment, modification or <br />repiacement imposes an unconstitutional impairment of a contract right. <br />"Grant Applicati�n" — means that certain grant application attached hereto as <br />Attachment IV that the Public Entity submitted to the State Entity. This definition is onlv <br />needed and onlv applies if the Public Entiry s��bmitted « grant appliccation to the Stczte <br />Entiry. If the Public Entiry ditl not submit ci gYant application to the Stc�te Entiry, then this <br />clefinition is not neeclecl and shoulcl be i;nored ancl treated czs iFit �ti�ere left blcznk, ancl canv <br />Generic GO Bond Proceeds <br />Grant .A�reerne�t tor Program End Grants <br />Ver — 6/30/ 1 � <br />
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