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Item 8h: Attacllment <br />`'Pro�ram Granf' - means a grant of monies from the State Entity to the Public Entity <br />in the amount identitied as the "Program Grant' in Recitll E to this A�reement, as the <br />amount thereof may be� modified under the provisions contained herein. <br />`'Pcoject" — means the Public Entity's acquisition, if applicable, of the ownership <br />interests in the Real Property and, if applicable, Facility denoted in Section 2.02 alon� with <br />the performance of the activities denoted in Section 2.03. (If the Palblic Entiry is not using <br />any portion of the Program Grant to acqt�ire tlie otit�nerslzip intc���est deriotecl in Section <br />?.OZ, then this definition for Project shcall not iracl��de thc c�cqi�isitioiz of st�ch otivnership <br />inte�est, c�nd tlae v�ll��e of szrch oticnership interest sh�ill not be inclir�led in Attrachnient III <br />hereto an� insteucl sl�call be iriclaided in the definitioy2 for' Oti�'rr�r•ship ti'ctlue trnder this <br />Section.) � <br />`'P�iblic Entity' - means the entity identified as the "Public Entitv" in the Lead-in <br />paragraph of this A�reement. <br />'`Real Property" - means the real property located in the County of «11» <br />State of Minnesota, legally described in Attachment II to this A�reement. <br />''Real Property/Facility Lease'' - means a long term lease of the Real Property, the <br />Facility, if applicable, or both by the Public Entity as lessee thereunder. T6ais definition is <br />oralti� neeclecl and only czpplies if the P«blie Erititt-''s otic�ierslaip intey��st in the Re�al PropertL', <br />the Fc�eiliry, if capplieable, or both, is a le«seholcl inter•est z�nde�� ci lease. For� �all other <br />circumstances this definition is not rzeeded and shotild he i�nore�l unc� trecited czs iiit ticere <br />leit hlc�nk cancl c�yzti• refererice to this terr� in tliis �-1�ree��ierz! sllc�ll he i�noy�ed �u�cl treate�l cls <br />if tlle r-efer�erzce di�l not exi�t. <br />"State Entity" - nzeans the entity identitied as th� "State Entity" in the lead-in <br />para�,raph of this A�reement. <br />"State Pro�ram" — means the pro�am delineated in the State Pro�ram Enabling <br />Le�islation. <br />'`State Pro�ram Enablin� Le¢islation" — means the le�i�lation contained in the <br />�Iinnesota statute(s) delineated in Recital A and all rules related to such legislation. <br />"Subsec�uent Betterment Costs" — means the costs of betterments of the Real Property <br />and, if applicable, Facility that occur subsequent to the date of this Agreement, are not part <br />of the Project, would qu�lify as a public improvement o�� a capital nature (as such tecm in <br />used in Minn. Constitution Art. XI, ��(a) of the Minnesota Constitution), and the cost of <br />which has been established by way of written documentation that is acceptable to and <br />approved, in writin;, by the State Entity and the Commissioner of v[MB. <br />'�Use Contract-' - means a lease, management contract or other similar contract <br />betw�een the Public Entity and any other entity that involves oc relates to any part of the <br />Real Property and,%or, if applicable, Facility. This clefir2ition is oniti� neecled cznd only applies <br />Generic GO Bund Proceeds <br />�irant a�reement for Pro_ram End Gr�nts <br />Ver — 6/30/1 � <br />