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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, September 19, 2016 <br />Page 11 <br /> <br /> <br />c.Speak Up! Roseville Check-In and Discussion <br />As detailed in the RCA of today’s date, Communications Manager Garry Bow- <br />man reviewed a history of this new communication tool and usage today, and ref- <br />erenced the two-year Granicus contract approved in March of 2015, expiring in <br />March of 2017. Mr. Bowman sought direction from the City Council as to the fu- <br />ture of this tool. <br />Council Positions / Direction to Staff <br /> <br />Mayor Roe stated that his observations to-date were that there seemed to be a dis- <br />connect between the site and decision-making by the city; and sought ideas to im- <br />prove that connection for public feedback informing city advisory commissions <br />and the City Council prior to decision-making. Mayor Roe stated while realizing <br />agenda topics were not always available months in advance, he preferred a better <br />way to get those topics at the forefront and receive public feedback in a more <br />timely fashion from the public (e.g. stormwater issues). <br /> <br />Mr. Bowman agreed this was challenging from when an item was scheduled on a <br />future agenda and time available to garner community feedback, noting that a <br />longer period was often required. For those topics not immediate, Mr. Bowman <br />advised feedback was possible; however, it was more challenging without that <br />prior knowledge of a particular topic. Mr. Bowman offered to continue working <br />on that challenge. <br /> <br />Councilmember Willmus stated he’d been skeptical of this model from the begin- <br />ning, but was willing to see how it played out. Councilmember Willmus opined <br />this tool was trying to reinvent the wheel, when other proven-effective social me- <br />dia options were available (e.g. Twitter and Facebook) with other communities <br />working well with those models. Councilmember Willmus further opined he <br />didn’t like the compartmentalization of the website as it wasn’t <br />community-wide. Councilmember Willmus stated the Speak Up! Roseville tool <br />may be cumbersome for users if not familiar with social media, requiring more <br />manipulation from discussion topics to viewer responses, and retaining those re- <br />sponses. <br /> <br />Mayor Roe agreed the process could be “clunky.” <br /> <br />On the fiscal side, Councilmember Willmus questioned how long the tool should <br />be sustained versus having the same or similar results from other social media op- <br />tions. Councilmember Willmus questioned the familiarity or awareness in the <br />community of the Speak Up! Roseville tool, and suggested usage would increase <br />if the public was actually more aware of it, and if not scared away by how <br />“clunky” it was. <br /> <br />Working in the communications field, Councilmember Laliberte stated she had <br />lots of thoughts, and agreed with Mayor Roe that it would be nice if the site was <br />more connected with public input and decision-making topics by the City Coun- <br /> <br />