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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, September 19, 2016 <br />Page 15 <br /> <br /> <br />Mr. Bowman noted there were 14,000 residential and 3,000 business mailings in- <br />volved, and related production and mailing costs. <br /> <br />City Manager Trudgeon advised he was hearing a desire to notify citizens of fu- <br />ture topics without specificity as to a date for decision-making for future agenda <br />items over the next few months or quarter. Mr. Trudgeon noted this could simply <br />alert the public, and provide a contact number at City Hall for questions, addition- <br />al information, or to provide that input. Mr. Trudgeon suggested staff could look <br />at some of those upcoming topics and attempt to do a better job of alerting the <br />public of them. <br /> <br />Mayor Roe suggested using list serves or other options such as when people sign <br />up for land use alerts may be one way to achieve that goal. <br /> <br />Public Comment (7:54 pm <br />Cynthia White, Roseville Resident <br />If the City Council was aware of 3-4 topics a month ahead, Ms. White noted sev- <br />eral mechanisms it had available to alert the public to them (e.g. municipal chan- <br />nel on cable television, Twitter, Facebook, City Council agenda formats, <br />, etc.). If the city valiantly tried to get a cogent list ahead of time, <br />Ms. White opined that those mechanisms could certainly serve the purpose with- <br />out another avenue being sought or another monthly mailing and related costs. <br /> <br />Councilmember Etten noted upcoming agendas were usually reviewed at the end <br />of each City Council meeting. <br /> <br />With evidence that the newsletter is well received and widely read by the public, <br />Councilmember McGehee suggested a box in the newsletter of upcoming topics, <br />with a contact number provided for the public to get additional information. <br /> <br />Mr. Bowman noted the success of the budget meeting highlights in the newsletter, <br />and suggested building on that idea. <br /> <br />Without objection, Mayor Roe directed staff to continue the bi-monthly newslet- <br />ter and work on those other options as discussed tonight. <br /> <br /> <br />e.Adopt an Interim Ordinance Prohibiting Requests for Residential Minor <br />Subdivisions <br />Interim Community development Director Kari Collins reviewed the background <br />of this issue as prompted by a request for a Minor Subdivision at 1926 Gluek <br />Lane on September 12, 2016, and as detailed in the RCA of today’s date. <br /> <br /> <br />