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Member Wozniak reported on recycling organics as an option for Roseville,but the <br /> closest compost site serving Roseville being located in Arden Hills and that site not <br /> accepting compost. Member Wozniak reported on a recently opened organics <br /> recycling site near Como Park behind the Hill-Murray fields. Member Wozniak <br /> advised that Ramsey County continued to look for additional sites in cooperation <br /> with area cities; and hoped once organized, Roseville may be one of those cities <br /> expressing interested in being considered. <br /> Mr. Culver suggested that was a good discussion topic for a future PWETC meeting <br /> to make a recommendation to staff and the City Council, depending on potential <br /> costs involved. <br /> 5. Comprehensive Surface Water Management Plan Update Introduction <br /> Mr. Culver reviewed the request for proposals (RFP)recently finalized,with S.E.H. <br /> winning the contract for updating the City of Roseville's Comprehensive Surface <br /> Water Management Plan (CSWP), as part of the overall Metropolitan Council's <br /> Comprehensive Plan Update. Mr. Culver noted S.E.H. had also updated the plan <br /> most recently in 2013. <br /> Mr. Culver introduced Mr. Ron Leaf, PE, Principal and Project Manager and Ms. <br /> Rebecca Nestingen, PE, CFM, S.E.H. Lead Water Resources Engineer to present <br /> an overview of the update and outline the process and schedule, including the <br /> PWETC's role. <br /> Ms. Nestingen provided a history of the original plan dated 1990, and subsequent <br /> updates in 2003 and 2013, including major items and changes from one plan to the <br /> next as major items were addressed and progress made in the City of Roseville <br /> regarding water resource issues, primarily focusing on sustainability. <br /> Ms. Nestingen noted while most of the work would occur during the remainder of <br /> 2016 and early 2017, this update was considered a 2017 update for adoption at that <br /> time. Ms.Nestingen reported on plans to incorporate in this latest update,including <br /> new implementation ideas, recognition of innovations made to-date, and updating <br /> goals and policies and the issues assessment. Ms. Nestingen noted this would also <br /> involve aligning the city's plan with the three watershed districts as they went <br /> through a similar update of their respective plans. <br /> In addition to those issues identified in the last update, Mr. Leaf noted continual <br /> updating of more frequent large storm events and their ramifications. <br /> Ms. Nestingen reviewed the public input process used in the past, even though with <br /> disappointing results, and innovations to involve newer technologies, including <br /> electronic survey and the Speak Up! website as tools. Ms. Nestingen <br /> noted public open houses would be coordinated with the broader comprehensive <br /> plan update process, and reviewed public input opportunities before the PWETC as <br /> well. <br /> Page 5 of 14 <br />