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City Council Meeting Minutes
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11/14/2016 10:17:29 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, October 10, 2016 <br />Page 11 <br />the pork chop at Presbyterian Homes as requested by the Fire Department for <br />emergency vehicle access. <br />If the roadway was re-opened, Ms. Bordhos opined children would no longer be <br />safe, especially on that corner during rush hour when a race track was evidenced <br />around that 5-way stop. Ms. Bordhos noted that the basketball stand in their <br />driveway had been knocked over twice from outside vehicles turning around in <br />their driveway. If people were mad with the road closed temporarily, Ms. <br />Bordhos stated it scared her to death to see their reaction if the road was opened <br />up again. <br />Even though their property would lose several mature trees with the project, Ms. <br />Bordhos spoke in support of the project and thanked the City Council for allowing <br />permanent closure of Wheeler Street. <br />John Bell, 3065 Shorewood Lane <br />Mr. Bell advised that their home was one of nine homes backing on Wheeler <br />Street and fronting on Shorewood Lane. In terms of access to and from their gar- <br />age off Wheeler Street, Mr. Bell stated that in the forty plus years living there, the <br />quality of life had improved beyond belief since the temporary closure of Wheeler <br />Street as it related to traffic, the number of children playing on the street, and in- <br />creased and safe bicycle traffic. Mr. Bell opined it made all the difference in the <br />world, and stated he couldn't say enough about how it had changed the entire <br />neighborhood's qualify of life, even when backing out of your driveway and not <br />being as concerned getting hit when doing so. <br />Mr. Bell stated he was strongly in favor of the closure, and couldn't emphasize <br />that support enough. <br />Sandra Brennen, 1776 Shorewood Curve (corner of Shorewood Curve and <br />Wheeler Street) <br />Ms. Brennen stated she was 1000% in favor of the closure, also having lived forty <br />plus years on her street and the traffic changes she'd observed as Lydia traffic had <br />increased and with the expansion of Presbyterian Homes. While steel having no <br />sidewalks, with everyone having to use the streets, Ms. Brennen noted the in- <br />creased safety, including just last week a track team from the University of <br />Northwestern able to use the street without traffic safety concerns. Ms. Brennen <br />recognized the inconvenience for some, but compared to safety and other pluses it <br />created, she opined that inconvenience seemed minor, closure was the most pru- <br />dent action. Ms. Brennen asked the City Council to consider keeping the road <br />closed. <br />Patrick Phillips, 3084 Shorewood Lane <br />Having lived in his home for over 49 years, Mr. Phillips reviewed the past charao- <br />ter of the neighborhood, University of Northwestern changes over the years, and <br />
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