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City Council Meeting Minutes
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12/14/2016 10:56:40 AM
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11/14/2016 10:17:29 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, October 10, 2016 <br />Page 13 <br />Patrick Burney, 3045 Shorewood Lane <br />Mr. Burney opined that even with the County Road D reconstruction, if Wheeler <br />Avenue was reopened, vehicles would still use it to get north. Mr. Burney stated <br />he'd seen an increase in traffic since the temporary closure, but noted it was good <br />traffic (e.g. pedestrians, bicycles, and kids playing on the street) and five years <br />ago that couldn't have happened with limiting traffic to the neighborhood versus <br />through traffic. Mr. Burney stated he was very much in favor of the permanent <br />closure, opining it was a great idea and hoped it would move forward. <br />Tom Lundberg, 2035 Wheeler Street <br />Mr. Lundberg advised he had originally heard about the Presbyterian Homes' ex- <br />pansion and Arden Hills City Council actions, being asked if he was aware of it, <br />prior to receiving the petition for temporary closure of Wheeler Street. Mr. <br />Lundberg noted discussions with Presbyterian Homes about how bad traffic was <br />coming from their parking lot and anticipating further issues with the expansion; <br />and all agreeing that traffic was a big issue even without the expansion, with ve- <br />hicles using the street as a frequent shortcut. Mr. Lundberg stated he really want- <br />ed Wheeler Street closed. <br />Repeat Speaker: Michelle Lacy, Shorewood Drive (Arden Hills) <br />Stating her appreciation for all comments made tonight, Ms. Lacy asked to add <br />that, while understanding and empathizing with speakers and the nice neighbor- <br />hood created with the temparary closure, she simply asked that the Roseville City <br />Council pause to consider other alternatives to rectify the situation that their <br />neighborhood had expressed. Ms. Lacy noted the numerous Arden Hills City <br />Council meetings she'd sat through and objections stated to the nature of the huge <br />Presbyterian Homes project and changes to driveway outlets. Ms. Lacy opined <br />that they didn't feel their concerns had been considered at all even though the im- <br />pacts were to the broader neighborhood and global community. <br />Repeat Speaker: Patrick Phillips, 3084 Shorewood Lane <br />Mr. Phillips noted that when Wheeler Street was closed, his driveway served as a <br />turnaround spot, and even though that will only get worse when closed further <br />back, it wouldn't change what was happening. Mr. Phillips noted traffic flow <br />wouldn't be known until vehicles start using other side streets. <br />Repeat Speaker: Tom Lundberg, 2035 Wheeler Street <br />At the request of Mr. Lundberg, Mayor Roe responded to questions about planting <br />and signage to facilitate fewer driveway turnaround episodes. <br />Mayor Roe closed the public hearing at approximately 7:35 p.m. <br />McGehee moved, Willmus seconded, adoption of Resolution No. 11368 (revised) <br />entitled, "Resolution Accepting Plans and Specifications and Ordering Adver- <br />
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