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CITY 4F ROSEViL€�E <br />ORDINANCE NO. 1515 <br />AN ORDIhiANGE AMENDENG <br />IMPROVEMEidT AFiEA <br />REGULATIQNS OF CHAPTER <br />1444 (RESIDENTIAL <br />DISiRiGTS) OFTiTLE 1t1 <br />"ZONING CODE" QP THE <br />ROSEVlLIE CITY G4QE <br />TFIE CITY OF FiOSEViLLE <br />ORDAINS: <br />BECTI4N t. Purppse; The <br />Rosevilie City Gade is riereby <br />amendad to reduce the im�+rovemant <br />Area fimEt in the LDR-2 District. <br />SECTfON 2. Section Y004.03 <br />(Lovv-Density Residentiak-2} is <br />hereby amended as foilows: <br />C. Irnpravement Area: Imprnvement <br />area, inciuding paved surtaces, ihe <br />footprints af principal and aceessory <br />buiidings, and other structures like <br />decks, pergoias, pools, �tc., shali <br />be limiied to 7t}°k� of The paraei <br />area. The purpose o# This overali <br />improvement area IimiT is to aliow <br />for rather liberai construction on a <br />residentia! property whike preventing <br />over-buiiding; for paraeis within a <br />Shoreaand or Wetland Management <br />District, paved sur�aces an� bui)ding <br />footprints shali b� fuRher lirr�ited ta <br />25°A o#the parcei area. <br />SECTION 3 Effective Ctate: <br />This ordinanoe amendment to the <br />Roseville City Cade shail take eNeci <br />upon passage and publication. <br />Passed this 5th day of Decen;t3Ur <br />2Q16. <br />BY; Daniel J. Ras, Mayor <br />ATTEST: <br />Pairick 7rudgeon, City Mana�er <br />(Roseville Review: Dec. t3. ;it�?�) <br />