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9d. Attachment A <br />Standard Agreement for Professional Services <br />1 <br />2 <br />3 <br />4This Agreement (“Agreement”) is made on the 9th day of January, 2017, between the <br />5Roseville Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic and political <br />6subdivision of the state of Minnesota (hereinafter “REDA”), and GREATER METROPOLITAN <br />7HOUSING CORPORATION(GMHC), a Minnesota non-profit corporation(hereinafter <br />8“Consultant”). <br />9 <br />Preliminary Statement <br />10 <br />11 <br />12REDA desires to hire the Consultant to render certain legal, technical, and/or professional <br />13assistance in connection with REDA’s undertakings. The purpose of this Agreement is to set <br />14forth the terms and conditions for the performance of professional services by the Consultant. <br />15 <br />16REDA and Consultant agree as follows: <br />17 <br />Scope of Work Proposal. <br />181. The Consultant agrees to provide the professional services <br />19shown in Exhibit “A” attached hereto (“Work”) in consideration for the compensation set <br />20forth in Provision 3 below. The terms of this Agreement shall take precedence over and <br />21supersede any provisions and/or conditions in any proposal submitted by the Consultant. <br />22 <br />Term. <br />232.The term of this Agreement shall be effective upon the approval of the REDA <br />24Board of Commissioners and execution by the President and Executive Director,the date <br />25of signature by the parties notwithstanding, and continue through the earlier ofMarch 31, <br />262017,or the date of termination by either party upon 30-day written notice thereof as <br />27provided in paragraph 7 hereof. <br />28 <br />Compensation for Services. <br />293.REDAagrees to pay the Consultant the compensation <br />30described in Exhibit B attached hereto for the Work. Fees shall be paid within 30 days <br />31following receipt of invoice for services performed on an as-needed basis. Consultant <br />32will also charge for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses such as reproductions, delivery <br />33services, long-distance telephone charges, and similar, subject to the following: <br />34 <br />35A.Any changes in the Workwhich may result in an increase to the compensation due <br />36the Consultant shall require prior written approval of REDA. REDAwill not pay <br />37additional compensation for Work that does not have such prior written approval. <br />38 <br />39B.Third party independent contractors and/or subcontractors may be retained by the <br />40Consultant when required by the complex or specialized nature of the Work,but only <br />41when authorized in writing by REDA. The Consultant shall be responsible for and <br />42shall pay all costs and expenses payable to such third party contractors unless <br />43otherwise agreed to by the parties in writing. <br />44 <br />1 <br /> <br />