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9d. Attachment A <br />Ownership of Documents. <br />13615. All plans, diagrams, analysis, reports and information <br />137generated in connection with the performance of thisAgreement (“Information”) shall <br />138become the property of REDA, but the Consultant may retain copies of such documents <br />139as records of the services provided. REDAmay use the Information for any reasons it <br />140deems appropriate without being liableto the Consultantfor such use. The Consultant <br />141shall not use or disclose the Information for purposes other than performing the Work <br />142contemplated by this Agreement without the prior consent of REDA. <br />143 <br />Dispute Resolution/Mediation. <br />14416. Each dispute, claim or controversy arising from or <br />145related to this Agreement or the relationships which result from this Agreement shall be <br />146subject to mediation as a condition precedent to initiating arbitration or legal or equitable <br />147actions by either party. Unless the parties agree otherwise, the mediation shall be in <br />148accordance with the Commercial Mediation Procedures of the American Arbitration <br />149Association then currently in effect. A request for mediation shall be filed in writing with <br />150the American Arbitration Association and the other party. No arbitration or legal or <br />151equitable action may be instituted for a period of 90 days from the filing of the request <br />152for mediation unless a longer periodof time is provided by agreement of the parties. <br />153Cost of mediation shall be shared equally between the parties. Mediation shall be held in <br />154the Cityof Roseville unless another location is mutually agreed uponby the parties. The <br />155parties shall memorialize any agreement resulting from the mediation in a Mediated <br />156Settlement Agreement, which Agreement shall be enforceable as a settlement in any <br />157court having jurisdiction thereof. <br />158 <br />Annual Review. <br />15917.Prior to each anniversary of the date of this Agreement, REDAshall <br />160have the right to conduct a review of the performance of the Work performed by the <br />161Consultant under this Agreement. The Consultant agrees to cooperate in such review and <br />162to provide such information as REDAmay reasonably request. Following each <br />163performance review the parties shall, if requested by REDA,meet and discuss the <br />164performance of the Consultant relative to the remaining Work to be performed by the <br />165Consultant under this Agreement. <br />166 <br />Conflicts. <br />16718.(a) No salaried officer or employee of REDAand no member of the Board of <br />168REDAshall have a financial interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement. (b) The <br />169Consultant agrees to immediately inform, by written notice, the REDAExecutive <br />170Director of possible contractual conflicts of interest inrepresenting REDA, as well as <br />171property owners or developers,on the same project. Conflicts of interest may be grounds <br />172for termination of this Agreement. <br />173 <br />Governing Law. <br />17419.This Agreement shall be controlled by the laws of the State of <br />175Minnesota. <br />176 <br />Counterparts. <br />17720.This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which <br />178shall be considered an original. <br />179 <br />4 <br /> <br />