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Last modified
1/25/2017 12:06:24 PM
Creation date
1/25/2017 12:04:24 PM
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Public Works Commission
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356 Regional Water Service surface water recourses, but suggested residents be <br />357 provided action items for them to consider that would impact the more regional <br />358 goals. <br />359 <br />360 Mr. Culver referenced a third, less comprehensive document beyond this surface <br />361 water management plan and the MS4 documents, identified as the Water Supply <br />362 and Distribution Plan update due by year-end, but having to do with conservation. <br />363 Mr. Culver clarified the city has no wells pumping from aquifers, and while St. Paul <br />364 Regional Water Service uses some, they primarily used surface water for <br />365 distribution. However, Mr. Culver alerted theETC that they would be <br />366 discussing that third document next month as well. <br />367 <br />368 Mr. Leaf noted that document tied into w infiltration projects would be most <br />369 effective and most sensitive to ground water areas. <br />370 Id <br />371 Member Thurnau urged educational components of the plan and public meetings to <br />372 get community interest and provide leverage by alerting them to what they were <br />373 drinking and where the water came from causing them to be more aware of impacts <br />374 to that water resource. <br />375 <br />376 Mr. Leaf duly noted thos stions; advising the intent was to get the project <br />377 page up and running on the city's website along with contact information. <br />378 <br />379 Mr. Culver announced the birth of a new baby for Chair Cihacek and his family this <br />380 morning, with all offering their congratulations. <br />381 <br />382 6. I -35W Managed Lane Project Information <br />383 I -35W Managed Lane Project Information <br />384 Mr. Culver summarized the proposed project for a managed lane (MnPASS lane) <br />385 n I -35W between County Road C in Roseville and Lexington Avenue in Blaine. <br />386 Mr. Culver reported on the recent public hearing held by the Roseville City <br />387 Council; noting formal action providing municipal consent for those cities impacted <br />388 would occur later. In between now and then, Mr. Culver advised there would be <br />389 other opportunities for public input related to the project. <br />390 <br />391 Mr. Culver's review of the project including specific work to be done in phases to <br />392 allow traffic to flow; spot improvements including widening at I-694 to allow a <br />393 cloverleaf auxiliary lane on the north side to buffer merging traffic; and overall <br />394 improvements to current bottleneck areas. <br />395 <br />396 As part of the project, Mr. Culver advised an environmental assessment public <br />397 outreach related to noise walls would be done, with those noise walls located <br />398 between the Cleveland Avenue interchange by Wa1Mart north to County Road D <br />399 on the east side only, as part of the process. Mr. Culver advised that two public <br />400 hearings had been scheduled by MnDOT for this federally -mandated process, one <br />401 in Blaine and one in New Brighton, both scheduled in September of 2016. Since <br />Page 9 of 14 <br />
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