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Last modified
1/25/2017 12:06:24 PM
Creation date
1/25/2017 12:04:24 PM
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Public Works Commission
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448 that the proposed start date is 2019 if things fell into place, but advised it could be <br />449 moved up to 2018 if funding was found. <br />450 <br />451 Overall, Mr. Culver noted this would prove quite impactful for Roseville residents <br />452 as traffic diverted to avoid the mess. Mr. Culver advised that, as part of the <br />453 municipal consent, the city's cost had been identified as none for the project. <br />454 However, Mr. Culver reported that the city may seek to partner with MnDOT and/or <br />455 Ramsey County for broader area storm water improvement designs that would <br />456 benefit financially through such a partnership. Mr. Culver noted part of those items <br />457 being considered at this time included traffic si 1 rebuilding at ramps while <br />458 they're down, but also reported that would depen nancial resources available. <br />459 <br />460 Mr. Culver advised that staff would continue to provide updates to the PWETC <br />461 once municipal consent and noise wall votes were finalized, but until a cooperative <br />462 maintenance agreement with MnDOT was drafted identifying any additional costs <br />463 for Roseville requested items, they ouldn't be any action ' s to consider. <br />464 <br />465 7. Wheeler Street Traffic Management Program <br />466 Mr. Culver provided an update on city staff s work with residents e Wheeler <br />467 Street/Shorewood Lane neighborhood on a Traffic Management Pro ram project <br />468 that would potentially close Wheeler Street to traffic at County Road D. Mr. Culver <br />469 reviewed the background of this lengthy process; advising that staff had asked the <br />470 Roseville City Council to authorize a Feasibility Report at their August 22, 2016 <br />471 meeting. IIL 1W <br />472 <br />473 Mr. Culkbhborh <br />wed the process to -date at length and various components <br />474 prompteood concerns when Presbyterian Homes expanded their <br />475 Lake Johanna facility and impacts of construction equipment and traffic to the <br />476 residential neighborhood. -qq%v <br />477 <br />478 Mr. Culverre ed the broader Traffic Management Program adopted in 2012 <br />479 (available on city website) for residential neighborhood concerns; and reviewed the <br />480 process for its use and temporary closure of Wheeler Avenue in 2011 followed by <br />481 submission by the neighborhood of a petition for permanent closure for a variety of <br />482 reasons. Mr. Culver noted this was only the second request to use the program <br />483 since it had been adopted, with the other County Road C-2 between Hamline and <br />484 Lexington Avenues. As part of the Program, Mr. Culver reviewed this specific <br />485 project and Program parameters for the city to build or effect improvements, but he <br />486 neighborhood required to pay 70% of any mitigation efforts. Mr. Culver reviewed <br />487 the neighborhood surveys used during this lengthy process to determine interest <br />488 based on estimated costs of the improvements, public hearings held and <br />489 assessments based on final costs. Mr. Culver noted the fall of 2016 was the <br />490 proposed construction finalization by Presbyterian Homes. <br />491 <br />492 Mr. Culver reviewed the neighborhood meetings held and initial concerns about <br />493 their projected costs to close the road, at that time estimated at $1,000 plus per <br />Page 11 of 14 <br />
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