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1/25/2017 12:06:24 PM
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1/25/2017 12:04:24 PM
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01 -OR <br />583 Member Wozniak suggested the educational efforts involve all homes in a <br />584 particular area being lined by the city for residents to be aware of what was <br />585 happening and why, including the approximate age of their laterals, what the city <br />586 was doing and why, and opportunities available for residents to consider for their <br />587 laterals to determine if there was any damage before it became an emergency <br />588 situation. <br />OEM <br />590 Mr. Culver reviewed the information provided by the city toward those efforts to - <br />591 date; with Member Seigler stating the City of St. Paul incorporated such an <br />592 educational effort as suggested by Member Wozniak. Mr. Culver noted part of that <br />593 educational information included alerting residents to smoke testing and rationale <br />594 in the city doing this to find illicit connections to the sanitary sewer system as well. <br />595 Mr. Culver stated that, in general, he felt the city could do a better job of educating <br />596 residents in reconstruction areas. <br />597 <br />598 When considering offering a service to residents as part of a sewer lining project, <br />599 Member Wozniak questioned if the city had made sufficient efforts to explain the <br />600 broad picture of owners 'p for infrast re, including service life expectancy, <br />601 typical age of service lat is in their area, nd potential cost liabilitieg-if they were <br />602 to experience a problem. <br />603 <br />604 Mr. Sandstrom noted city staff sent out letters to residents when televising mains if <br />605 they found areas with roots, especially if those pipes were of clay tile material from <br />606 the 1960's and ramifications of that root issue for homeowners. If the city is <br />607 performing a pavement project at that time, Mr. Sandstrom advised that the city <br />608 offered to facilitate the homeowner's replacement of their laterals at that time at a <br />609 significant cost savings for them when the street would be open anyway by the city. <br />610 As an example, Mr. Sandstrom noted last spring he sent out 45 such letters and had <br />611 6 responses of interest, while some were just seeking additional information. Mr. <br />612 Sandstrom agreed the city could include more language to provide residents with <br />613 additional information and explain that the city can only see a small portion of their <br />614 laterals and not all the way to the home with potential issues elsewhere on that <br />615 route, and recommending they seek assistance from a private contractor. <br />616 <br />617 In conclusion, it was noted that all commissioners were in agreement that more and <br />618 better education was good, including how to address problems, projected service <br />619 life, a process for who to contact; with a request for specific additional information <br />620 from the City Council on capping costs. <br />621 <br />622 Chair Cihacek reiterated his specific request from staff for a cost analysis and <br />623 possible solutions if rates were found relatively low for in-house inspections at this <br />624 point. Chair Cihacek thanked commissioners for their ideas and tonight's <br />625 discussion. <br />626 <br />Page 14 of 17 <br />
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