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1/25/2017 12:06:24 PM
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1/25/2017 12:04:24 PM
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80 would continue, but stated staff expected a slight increase to their cost to provide <br />81 recycling to parks compared to what was previously shown to the PWETC and City <br />82 Council. Mr. Culver advised that those actual and final costs would be available to <br />83 the City Council before they approved the final contract after negotiations. Mr. <br />84 Culver noted staff would continue to strongly advocate for walk-up service to park <br />85 buildings and parking lot service; and then continue to work with the Parks & <br />86 Recreation staff and commission to determine how best to begin that experimental <br />87 or pilot program with carts and their locations. Mr. Culver noted this may or may <br />88 not involve modifying how they were initially planned with the contractor. <br />89 <br />90 Member Wozniak recalled when bids were first discussed by the PWETC, there <br />91 appeared to be some apprehension from Par s & Recreation Department staff in <br />92 gathering containers at a central collectio int, asking if they were now more <br />93 open to that process. <br />94 <br />95 Mr. Culver reported that wasn't n sarily the situation, but reiterated those were <br />96 ongoing discussions given changes d cost differences realized at this point in the <br />97 negotiations. Mr. Culver advised that ultimately it would be a recommendation by <br />98 Parks & Recreation staff d advisory commission, and decision-making by the <br />99 City Council as to the i e of recycling in parks. <br />100 <br />101 In response to Member W zniak s review of A Ramsey County practice of co - <br />102 locating trash and recycling containers, Mr. Culver advised that the city currently <br />103 didn't have staff or resources to empty both types of containers due to the need to <br />104 keep bags separated by whether garbage or recycling materials; but deferred more <br />105 detailed comment to the Parks & Recreation Department. <br />106 IN VP <br />107 Member Wozniak opined that the difference between $3 and $10 per pull could <br />108 purchase a truck or more staff for the city. <br />109 <br />110 Mr. Culver responded that this was all part of ongoing discussions with the Parks <br />111 & Recreation Department as experiments were initiated to expand recycling in city <br />112 parks. <br />113 <br />114 On another note, while he wasn't overly familiar with new city park buildings, <br />115 Member Wozniak notA he understood they were very nice. However, referencing <br />116 comments from Jean Buckley, Member Wozniak reported that at least one of the <br />117 new buildings didn't have any recycling containers; and from the perspective of the <br />118 PWETC, this caused him concern. <br />119 <br />120 Mr. Culver agreed that the parks buildings were absolutely beautiful; and offered <br />121 to refer those environmental concerns of the PWETC to the Parks & Recreation <br />122 Department and suggested the PWETC consider a formal recommendation to pass <br />123 on to them regarding their feelings. Mr. Culver reported that he was at one park <br />124 facility earlier this year, and it did not have a recycling container, but noted he was <br />125 unsure if that was still the same situation today. Once the city began offering walk - <br />Page 3 of 14 <br />
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